Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Faculty and Lab Staff

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Faculty Table

S. No Faculty Name Designation Highest Qualification Area of Specialization
1 Dr. SANJAY PRATAP SINGH CHAUHAN Professor PhD Networks, Data Science, AI and ML
2 Dr. SANJAY KUMAR Professor PhD Computer Science and Engineering
3 Dr. ANURANJAN MISHRA Professor PhD Cyber security, Networks and Machine Learning
4 Dr. JAY SHANKAR PRASAD Professor PhD Human Robot Interaction and Soft Computing
5 Dr. VIJAY SHUKLA Professor PhD Data Structures and Operating System
6 Dr. SAUMYA CHATURVEDI Professor PhD Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis, Deep Learning, and Recommendation System
7 Dr. ARUN KUMAR SINGH Professor PhD Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Networks
8 Dr. SHILPA SRIVASTAVA Associate Professor PhD Quantum Computing and Cryptography
9 Dr. MOHD JAWED KHAN Assistant Professor PhD Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
10 Dr. PADMANABHAN P Assistant Professor PhD Wireless Sensor Networks
11 Dr. ROHIT VAID Professor PhD Information Security and Cryptography
12 Dr. ASHISH SHARMA Associate Professor PhD Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems and Trust Models
13 Dr. SAMEER ASTHANA Assistant Professor PhD Cloud Computing and AWS
14 Dr. SURESH WATI Assistant Professor PhD Computer Science and Engineering
15 Dr. SHIV KANT Associate Professor PhD Vehicular Network
16 Dr. VIVEKTA SINGH Assistant Professor PhD Computer Science and Engineering
17 Mr. ASIF KHAN Assistant Professor M.TECH., PhD (P*) Computer Networks
18 Ms. VASUDHA TIWARI Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
19 Mr. ASHWINI KUMAR VERMA Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Cyber Security, Networks and Machine Learning
20 Ms. ANUPAMA SURYA Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Data Science
21 Mr. MOHD IMRAN ANSARI Assistant Professor M. TECH. Data Science and DSA
22 Mr. PRASHANT AWASTHI Assistant Professor M. TECH. Machine Learning
23 Mr. ALOK KUMAR Assistant Professor M. TECH. Data Mining
24 Mr. ARJUN SINGH Assistant Professor M. TECH. Networking, Algorithm and Machine Learning
25 Mr. DAYA SHANKAR SRIVASTAVA Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Data Warehouse and Networks
26 Mr. LALIT MOHAN GUPTA Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Cryptography and Data Security
27 Mr. MADAN PACHORI Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Machine Learning
28 Mr. RAKESH RAUSHAN Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Machine Learning
29 Ms. RITU SHARMA Assistant Professor M. TECH. Data Science
30 Mr. SHAKUN GARG Assistant Professor M. TECH. Data Structure
31 Mr. SUNNY GUPTA Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Machine Learning and Deep Learning
32 Ms. VIBHA MANI Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Block Chain
33 Mr. UMA SHANKAR YADAV Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
34 Mr. ARUN KUMAR RAI Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Anomaly Detection
35 Mr. HARENDRA SINGH Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
36 Mr. RAKESH KUMAR Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Machine Learning and Deep Learning
37 Ms. SHWETA SINGH Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
38 Ms. SUGANDHA CHAKRAVERTI Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
39 Mr. SWADESH KUMAR SINGH Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
40 Ms. SHEFALI KAPOOR Assistant Professor M.TECH Computer Science and Engineering
41 Mr. SHIV VEER SINGH Assistant Professor M. TECH., PhD (P*) Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Staff Table

S.No. Name of the Staff Designation Qualifications
01 VIHAN Lab Instructor BCA
02 MR. LOKENDER Lab Instructor Diploma CS, BE.
03 Mr. BEER BAHADUR Lab Instructor ITI., Poly-EE
04 MR. ANSHU Lab Instructor Poly-IT
05 MR. AMAN Lab Instructor BCA
Admission Enquiry