Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Information Technology Department

About the Department Vision & Mission Programs Offered HOD's Message Faculty and Lab Staff Faculty Achievements Student Achievement Faculty Innovation in Teaching Teachning and Learning R&D Laboratories Professional Chapter Magazine & News Letter

The Department of Information Technology offers B.Tech (IT). So far, more than 1500 alumni are working across the globe at various levels in different industries and Government sectors.

The Department of Information Technology has well-qualified and experienced faculties from various reputed institutions who are passionate about innovation and research, along with trained and skilled staff. Further, the department is presently focusing on the latest technologies in IT industries such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT, etc., to make things smart with Industry 4.0, as per the needs of the market. Also, our students are publishing papers in international journals, international conferences, and publishing patents.

As per the AKTU curriculum, the Information Technology Department has well-established labs such as:

  • DBMS Lab
  • Python Lab
  • Web Technology Lab
  • DAA Lab
  • Software Engineering Lab
  • Computer Networks Lab
  • Data Structure Lab
  • Cyber Security Lab
  • Project Lab, etc.

Career opportunities for Information Technology students:

Mechanical Engineering students have sky as the limit. Students have ample options to choose a specific field such as Govt and PSU sector jobs such as IAS, IES, Indian Railways, BHEL, NTPC, NHPC etc. And can join in IT Industries as Software Developer, Software Engineer, Full Stack Engineer, Front End Developer, Back End Engineer etc. Also, may opted teaching, research and take admission in higher studies in India or abroad to excel in their career.

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