Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Vision & Mission

About the Department Vision & Mission Programs Offered HOD's Message Faculty and Lab Staff Faculty Achievements Student Achievement Faculty Innovation in Teaching Teachning and Learning R&D Laboratories Professional Chapter Magazine & News Letter


Create a passion-oriented centre of excellence in teaching and research in Information Technology to produce innovative professionals, entrepreneurs in interdisciplinary approaches and advanced technologies with a zeal to serve society.


  • M1: To create an environment where students can be equipped with strong fundamental concepts, programming and problem-solving skills.
  • M2: To provide an exposure to emerging technologies by providing hands-on experience for generating competent professionals.
  • M3: To promote Research and Development in the frontier areas of Information Technology and encourage students for pursuing higher education.
  • M4: To inculcate in students ethics, professional values, teamwork, and leadership skills.
Admission Enquiry