Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Information Technology - COs

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Course Outcomes (COs): B.Tech. I,II III,IV,V,VI,VII VIII Semester
Code Course Name Course Outcomes
B.Tech-IT I Semester
KAS- 101 Physics CO1. To solve the classical and wave mechanics problems
CO2. To develop the understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their application in various processes.
CO3. To formulate and solve the engineering problems on Electromagnetism Electromagnetic Field Theory.
CO4. To aware of limits of classical physics to apply the ideas in solving the problems in their parent streams.
KAS- 103 Mathematics-I CO1. To Remember the concept of matrices and apply for solving linear simultaneous equations
CO2. To Understand the concept of limit, continuity and differentiability and apply in the study of Rolle,s , Lagrange,s and Cauchy mean value theorem and Leibnitz theorems.
CO3. To Identify the application of partial differentiation and apply for evaluating maxima, minima, series and Jacobians.
CO4. To Illustrate the working methods of multiple integral and apply for finding area, volume, centre of mass and centre of gravity.
CO5. To Remember the concept of vector and apply for directional derivatives, tangent and normal planes. Also evaluate line, surface and volume integrals.
KEE- 101 Basic Electrical Engineering CO1. Tto Apply the concepts of KVL/KCL and network theorems in solving DC circuits in solving DC circuits.
CO2. Analyze the steady state behavior of single phase and three phase AC electrical circuits.
CO3. Identify the application areas of a single phase two winding transformer as well as an auto transformer and calculate their efficiency. Also identify the connections of a three phase transformer.
CO4. Illustrate the working principles of induction motor, synchronous machine as well as DC machine and employ them in different area of applications.
CO5. Describe the components of low voltage electrical installations and perform elementary calculations for energy consumption.
KCE- 101 Engineering Graphics Design CO1. Understanding of the visual aspects of engineering design
CO2. Understanding of engineering graphics standards and solid modeling
CO3. Effective communication through graphics
CO4. Applying modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
CO5. Appling computer-aided geometric design
CO6. Analysis of Isometric views
CO7. Creating working drawings
KAS- 102 Chemistry CO1. Get an understanding of the theoretical principles understanding molecular structure, bonding and properties.
CO2. Know the fundamental concepts of determination of structure with various techniques.
CO3. Know the fundamental concepts of chemistry applicable in industrial processes.
KCS- 101 Programming for Problem Solving CO1. To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2. To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3. To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO4. To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5. To use arrays, pointers and structures to develop algorithms and programs.
KWS- 101 Workshop Practices CO1. Study and practice on machine tools and their operations
CO2. Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including fitting, carpentry, foundry and welding
CO3. Identify and apply suitable tools for machining processes including turning, facing, thread cutting and tapping
CO4. Welding and soldering operations
CO5. Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice
Physics Laboratory CO1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring experiment
CO2. To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the help of Fresnel‟s bi-prism
CO3. To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil. distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil.
CO4. To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer and to determine its hysteresis loss.
Chemistry Laboratory CO1. Use of different analytical instruments.
CO2. Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water
CO3. Measure hardness of water.
CO4. Estimate the rate constant of reaction
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory CO1. Conduct experiments illustrating the application of KVL/KCL and network theorems to DC electrical circuits
CO2. Demonstrate the behavior of AC circuits connected to single phase AC supply and measure power in single phase as well as three phase electrical circuits.
CO3. Perform experiment illustrating BH curve of magnetic materials.
CO4. Calculate efficiency of a single phase transformer and DC machine.
CO5. Perform experiments on speed measurement and reversal of direction of three phase induction motor and Identify the type of DC and AC machines based on their construction.
Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory CO1. To write programs for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2. To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3. To write programs for conditional branching, iteration and recursion
CO4. To write programs using functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5. write programs using arrays, pointers and structures.
B.Tech-IT II Semester
KAS- 201 Physics CO1. To solve the classical and wave mechanics problems
CO2. To develop the understanding of laws of thermodynamics and their application in various processes.
CO3. To formulate and solve the engineering problems on Electromagnetism Electromagnetic Field Theory.
CO4. To aware of limits of classical physics to apply the ideas in solving the problems in their parent streams.
KAS- 202 Chemistry CO1. Get an understanding of the theoretical principles understanding molecular structure, bonding and properties.
CO2. Know the fundamental concepts of determination of structure with various techniques.
CO3. Know the fundamental concepts of chemistry applicable in industrial processes.
KAS- 203 Mathematiccs-II CO1. Understand the concept of differentiation and apply for solving differential equations.
CO2. Remember the concept of definite integral and apply for evaluating surface areas and volumes.
CO3. Understand the concept of convergence of sequence and series. Also evaluate Fourier series.
CO4. Illustrate the working methods of complex functions and apply for finding analytic functions.
CO5. Apply the complex functions for finding Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series and evaluation of definite integrals.
KEE- 201 Basic Electrical Engineering CO1. Apply the concepts of KVL/KCL and network theorems in solving DC circuits.
CO2. Analyze the steady state behavior of single phase and three phase AC electrical circuits.
CO3. Identify the application areas of a single phase two winding transformer as well as an auto transformer and calculate their efficiency. Also identify the connections of a three phase transformer.
CO4. Illustrate the working principles of induction motor, synchronous machine as well as DC machine and employ them in different area of applications.
CO5. Describe the components of low voltage electrical installations and perform elementary calculations for energy consumption.
KCS- 201 Programming for Problem Solving CO1. To develop simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2. To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3. To implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.
CO4. To decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5. To use arrays, pointers and structures to develop algorithms and programs.
KCE- 201 Engineering Graphics Design CO1. Understanding of the visual aspects of engineering design
CO2. Understanding of engineering graphics standards and solid modeling
CO3. Effective communication through graphics
CO4. Applying modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
CO5. Appling computer-aided geometric design
CO6. Analysis of Isometric views
CO7. Creating working drawings
KWS- 201 Workshop Practices CO1. Study and practice on machine tools and their operations
CO2. Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including fitting, carpentry, foundry and welding
CO3. Identify and apply suitable tools for machining processes including turning, facing, thread cutting and tapping
CO4. Welding and soldering operations
CO5. Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice
KAS- 204 Professional English CO1. Students will be enabled to understand the basic objective of the course by being acquainted with specific dimensions of communication skills i.e. Reading, Writing, Listening, Thinking and Speaking.
CO2. Students would be able to create substantial base by the formation of strong professional vocabulary for its application at different platforms and through numerous modes as Comprehension, reading, writing and speaking etc.
CO3. Students will apply it at their work place for writing purposes such as Presentation/official drafting/administrative communication and use it for document/project/report/research paper writing
CO4. Students will be made to evaluate the correct error-free writing by being wellversed in rules of English grammar cultivate relevant technical style of communication presentation at their work place also for academic uses.
CO5. Students will apply it for practical and oral presentation purposes by being honed up in presentation skills and voice- dynamics. They will apply techniques for developing interpersonal communication skills and positive attitude leading to their professional competence.
Physics Laboratory CO1. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton‟s ring experiment
CO2. To determine the wavelength of sodium light with the help of Fresnel‟s bi-prism
CO3. To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis of a current carrying coil and estimate the radius of the coil.
CO4. To draw hysteresis (B-H curve) of a specimen in the form of a transformer and to determine its hysteresis loss.
Chemistry Laboratory CO1. Use of different analytical instruments.
CO2. Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of solution, chloride and iron content in water
CO3. Measure hardness of water.
CO4. Estimate the rate constant of reaction
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory CO1. Conduct experiments illustrating the application of KVL/KCL and network theorems to DC electrical circuits
CO2. Demonstrate the behavior of AC circuits connected to single phase AC supply and measure power in single phase as well as three phase electrical circuits.
CO3. Perform experiment illustrating BH curve of magnetic materials.
CO4. Calculate efficiency of a single phase transformer and DC machine.
CO5. Perform experiments on speed measurement and reversal of direction of three phase induction motor and Identify the type of DC and AC machines based on their construction.
Programming for Problem Solving Laboratory CO1. To write programs for arithmetic and logical problems
CO2. To translate the algorithms to programs execution (in C language).
CO3. To write programs for conditional branching, iteration and recursion
CO4. To write programs using functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach.
CO5. write programs using arrays, pointers and structures.
B.Tech-IT III Semester
KCS 301 DATA STRUCTURE CO 1 Describe how arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs are represented in memory, used by the algorithms and their common applications
CO 2 Discuss the computational efficiency of the sorting and searching algorithms.
CO 3 Implementation of Trees and Graphs and perform various operations on the data structure
CO 4 Understanding the concept of recursion, application of recursion and its implementation and removal of recursion.
CO 5 Identify the alternative implementations of data structures with respect to its performance to solve a real world problem.
KCS302 Computer Organization and Architecture CO 1 Study of the basic structure and operation of a digital computer system.
CO 2 Analysis of the design of arithmetic logic unit and understanding of the fixed point and floatingpoint arithmetic operations.
CO 3 Implementation of control unit techniques and the concept of Pipelining.
CO 4 Understanding the hierarchical memory system, cache memories and virtual memory.
CO 5 Understanding the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces.
KCS 303 Discrete Structures Theory of Logic CO 1 Write an argument using logical notation and determine if the argument is or is not valid.
CO 2 Understand the basic principles of sets and operations in sets.
CO 3 Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions and be able to determine their properties
CO 4 Demonstrate different traversal methods for trees and graphs.
CO 5 Model problems in Computer Science using graphs and trees.
KNC301 COMPUTER SYSTEM SECURITY CO 1 To discover software bugs that pose cyber security threats and to explain how to fix the bugs to mitigate such threats
CO 2 To discover cyber attack scenarios to web browsers and web servers and to explain how to mitigate such threats
CO 3 To discover and explain mobile software bugs posing cyber security threats, explain and recreate exploits, and to explain mitigation techniques.
CO 4 To articulate the urgent need for cyber security in critical computer systems, networks, and world wide web, and to explain various threat scenarios
CO 5 To articulate the well known cyber attack incidents, explain the attack scenarios, and explain mitigation techniques.
KNC302 PYTHON PROGRAMMING CO 1 To read and write simple Python programs.
CO 2 To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
CO 3 To define Python functions and to use Python data structures –- lists, tuples, dictionaries.
CO 4 To do input/output with files in Python.
CO 5 To do searching ,sorting and merging in Python.
KAS302 Mathematics-IV CO1. Remember the concept of partial differential equation and to solve partial differential equations
CO2. Analyze the concept of partial differential equations to evaluate the problems concerned with partial differential equations
CO3. Understand the concept of correlation, moments, skewness and kurtosis and curve fitting
CO4. Remember the concept of probability to evaluate probability distributions
CO5. Apply the concept of hypothesis testing and statistical quality control to create control charts
KAS 301 Technical Communication CO 1 Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
CO 2 Students will utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions.
CO 3 Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
CO 4 Technical communication skills will create a vast know- how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence.
CO 5 It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics.
KOE- 034 Sensor Instrumentation CO1. Apply the use of sensors for measurement of displacement, force and pressure.
CO2. Employ commonly used sensors in industry for measurement of temperature,position, accelerometer, vibration sensor, flow and level.
CO3. Demonstrate the use of virtual instrumentation in automation industries.
CO4. Identify and use data acquisition methods.
CO5. Comprehend intelligent instrumentation in industrial automation.
KVE301 Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics CO 1 Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in the society mitigate such threats
CO 2 Distinguish between the Self and the Body, understand the meaning of Harmony in the Self the Co-existence of Self and Body
CO 3 Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and other naturally acceptable feelings in human- human relationships and explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society
CO 4 Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in the nature
CO 5 Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious environment wherever they work.
KCS- 351 Data STRUCTURE Lab CO1: nterpret and compute asymptotic notations of an algorithm to analyze the consumption of resources (time/space).
CO2: Exemplify and implement stack, queue and list ADT, tree and graph to manage the memory using static and dynamic allocations.
CO3: Implement binary search tree to design applications like expression trees.
CO4: Identify, model, solve and develop code for real life problems like shortest path and MST using graph theory.
CO4: Develop and compare the comparison-based search algorithms and sorting Algorithms.
CO5: Identify appropriate data structure and algorithm for a given contextual problem and develop in C.
KCS- 352 Computer Organization Lab CO1: Define, Apply and Design basic digital circuits
CO2: Discuss, Design and Calculate 8 bits I/O, ALU and RTL
CO3: Explain, apply and design the concept of control unit and memory unit
CO4: C187Define and design algorithm using simulators
KCS- 353 Discrete Structures Theory of Logic Lab CO1: Students would be having understanding of working with a mathematical tool Maple
CO2: Students would be able to perform programs of recursion, combinatorics and counting
CO3: Students would be able to perform programs of set theroy, set operations and probability
CO4: Student would be able to implement classical mathematical problme like Birthday paradox based on pigeonhole principle.
KCS- 354 Mini Project Students will be able to identify and present the objective and the work done during training
Students will be able to design and implementation of mini project during their training.
Students will be able to discuss the result/output and prepare a mini project report
B.Tech-IT IV Semester
KCS 401 Operating systems CO 1 Understand the structure and functions of OS.
CO 2 Learn about Processes, Threads and Scheduling algorithms.
CO 3 Understand the principles of concurrency and Deadlocks
CO 4 Learn various memory management scheme.
CO 5 Study I/O management and File systems.
KCS 402 Theory of Automata and Formal Languages CO 1 Analyse and design finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines, formal languages, and grammars
CO 2 Analyse and design, Turing machines, formal languages, and grammars.
CO 3 Demonstrate the understanding of key notions, such as algorithm, computability, decidability, and complexity through problem solving.
CO 4 Prove the basic results of the Theory of Computation.
CO 5 State and explain the relevance of the Church-Turing thesis.
KIT 401 Web Designing CO 1 Understand principle of Web page design and about types of websites.
CO 2 Visualize and Recognize the basic concept of HTML and application in web designing.
CO 3 Recognize and apply the elements of Creating Style Sheet ( CSS).
CO 4 Understanding the basic concept of Java Script and its Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
CO 5 Introduce basics concept of Web Hosting and apply the concept of SEO.
KVE401 Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics CO 1 Understand the significance of value inputs in a classroom, distinguish between values and skills, understand the need, basic guidelines, content and process of value education, explore the meaning of happiness and prosperity and do a correct appraisal of the current scenario in the society mitigate such threats
CO 2 Distinguish between the Self and the Body, understand the meaning of Harmony in the Self the Co-existence of Self and Body
CO 3 Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and other naturally acceptable feelings in human- human relationships and explore their role in ensuring a harmonious society
CO 4 Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in the nature
CO 5 Distinguish between ethical and unethical practices, and start working out the strategy to actualize a harmonious Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
KNC 402 PYTHON PROGRAMMING CO 1 To read and write simple Python programs.
CO 2 To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
CO 3 To define Python functions and to use Python data structures –- lists, tuples, dictionaries.
CO 4 To do input/output with files in Python.
CO 5 To do searching ,sorting and merging in Python.
KAS 404 Mathematics CO 1 Understand the concept of Fourier Transform and Z- Transform to apply for solving with the help of transform problems.
CO 2 Remember the concept of Probability to evaluate Probability distribution.
CO 3 To analyze the concept of numerical techniques to evaluate the zero’s of the function interpolation
CO 4 Apply the concept of hypothesis to evaluate various hypothesis testing.
CO 5 Remember the concept of design and statistical quality control to create control charts.
KAS 401 Technical Communication CO 1 Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
CO 2 Students will utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions.
CO 3 Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
CO 4 Technical communication skills will create a vast know- how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence.
CO 5 It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics.
KAS402 Mathematics-IV CO1. Remember the concept of partial differential equation and to solve partial differential equations
CO2. Analyze the concept of partial differential equations to evaluate the problems concerned with partial differential equations
CO3. Understand the concept of correlation, moments, skewness and kurtosis and curve fitting
CO4. Remember the concept of probability to evaluate probability distributions
CO5. Apply the concept of hypothesis testing and statistical quality control to create control charts
KOE-44 Sensor Instrumentation CO1. Apply the use of sensors for measurement of displacement, force and pressure.
CO2. Employ commonly used sensors in industry for measurement of temperature,position, accelerometer, vibration sensor, flow and level.
CO3. Demonstrate the use of virtual instrumentation in automation industries.
CO5. Comprehend intelligent instrumentation in industrial automation.
KNC301 COMPUTER SYSTEM SECURITY CO 1 To discover software bugs that pose cyber security threats and to explain how to fix the bugs to mitigate such threats
CO 2 To discover cyber attack scenarios to web browsers and web servers and to explain how to mitigate such threats
CO 3 To discover and explain mobile software bugs posing cyber security threats, explain and recreate exploits, and to explain mitigation techniques.
CO 4 To articulate the urgent need for cyber security in critical computer systems, networks, and world wide web, and to explain various threat scenarios
CO 5 To articulate the well known cyber attack incidents, explain the attack scenarios, and explain mitigation techniques.
KNC302 PYTHON PROGRAMMING CO 1 To read and write simple Python programs.
CO 2 To develop Python programs with conditionals and loops.
CO 3 To define Python functions and to use Python data structures –- lists, tuples, dictionaries.
CO 4 To do input/output with files in Python.
CO 5 To do searching ,sorting and merging in Python.
KCS- 451 Operating systems Lab CO1: Students will be able to design and interpret various CPU scheduling algorithm.
CO2: Students will be able to design, develop and implement programs for deadlock handling..
CO3: Students will be able to apply and analyze different page replacement algorithms.
CO4: Students will be able to develop and compare various disk scheduling algorithms
KIT-451 Web Designing Lab CO1: Understand fundamentals of web development
CO2: Understand, analyze and apply the role of scripts/languages like HTML, DHTML, CSS
CO3: Understand, analyze and design the role of JavaScript for dynamic web pages.
KCS- 453 Python Language Prograaming Lab CO1: Students will be able to describe the numbers, math functions, strings, list, tuples and dictionaries in python Students wil be able to acquire the skills to apply different decision making statements and functions in python
CO2: Students will be able to interpret object oriented programming in python
CO3: Students will be able to develop skill to understand and summarize different file handling operations
CO4:Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to design GUI applications in python and evaluate different database operations
B.Tech-IT V Semester
RAS- 501 Managerial Economics CO1. Students will be able to understand the basis of theory of economics with various techniques and applications of Managerial Economics.
CO2. Students will be able to analyze the several types of Market Structure and its multiple features of price determination.
CO3. Students will be able to apply the concept of forecasting using its various performance parameters to estimate the cost.
CO5. Students will be able to remember economic analysis using estimation of cost/revenue in the decision making process to justify or reject alternatives projects.
RAS- 502 Industrial Sociology CO1. Students will be able to understand the basics of sociology and learn to solve the problems associated with social issues and their development.
CO2. Students will be able to learn techniques by various case study in terms of pre machine age to machine age.
CO3. Students will be able to learn different mechanism used at the time of pre industrialisation to industrialisation time.
CO4. Students will be able to understand the problem associated with society and social aspects in the development of society.
CO5. Students will be able to understand how the marxist cope with rural people in terms of getting work in the industry.
RUC- 501 Cyber Security CO1. Student will be able to describe the basics of information systems.
CO2. Student will be able to understand Application security Security Threats.
CO3. Student will be able to gain knowledge about Secure Information Systems development.
CO4. Student will be able to demostrate and create knowledge about Security Policies Information Security Standards.
RCS-501 Database Management Systems CO1. Students should be able to understand the fundamentals of basics of DBMS.
CO2. Students should be able able to generate data modeling using entity relationship model.
CO3. Students should be able to Analyze DBMS constraints, SQL relational data model and distinguish between TRC and DRC.
CO4. Students should be able to understand the concept of database design compute normal form.
CO5. Students should be able to describe the concept of transaction processing and discuss the distributed database.
CO6. Students should be able to explain the concurrency control techniques and demonstrate ORACLE.
RCS- 502 Design and Analysis of Algorithms CO1. Students will be able to analyse performance of algorithms and estimate their worst-case and average-case behaviour using asymptotic notations.
CO2. Students will be able to derive and solve recurrences and also analyze sorting algorithms.
CO3. Students will become familiar with advanced Data Structures like Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, B- Tress, red black trees, tries, skip list etc.
CO4. Students will learn and able to apply divide-and-conquer paradigm, greedy algorithms.
CO5. Students will learn and able to apply algorithms like dynamic programming, Backtracking, Branch and Bound problems.
CO6. Students will understand the concept of NP completeness, approximation algorithms, and algebraic Computation.
RCS- 503 Principles of Programming Languages CO1. Student will be able to remember the basic fundamental Principles of Programming Languages.
CO2. Student will be able to apply understand concept of various Programming Language properties.
CO3. Student will be able to analyze and interpret basics of Imperative Language Concept and Object Oriented Programming.
CO4. Student’s ability to analyze, demonstrate, implement and understand the concept of Functional, Logic and Concurrent Programming.
CO5. Student will be able to Manipulate and generate Lambda terms, check and assign types to Lambda terms.
RCS- 551 Database Management Systems Lab CO1. Student should be able to state installation of Oracle
CO2. Student should be to design Entity- Relationship Diagram using various case tools
CO3. Student should be able to generate SQL statements using ORACLE/ MYSQL
CO4. Student should be able to solve normalization in oracle
CO5. Student should be able to create and demonstrate cursor, procedure, functions, packages and triggers
RCS- 552 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab CO1. Students will be able to Describe the use of asymptotic notations to analyze the behaviour and performance of algorithms.
CO2. Students will be able to analyze and compare various sorting algorithms likeQuick sort, Mere sort, Heap sort etc.
CO3. Students will understand the concept of advanced Data Structures like Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, red black trees etc.
CO4. Students will learn to apply different algorithm design techniques like divide and conquer, greedy methods, dynamic programming, Backtracking, and Branch and Bound problems.
CO5. Students will be able to understand Theory of NP Completeness, and basics of nondeterministic algorithms to solve complex Problems.
RCS- 553 Principles of Programming Languages Lab CO1. Students will be able to Apply and Understand basics of Meta Language.
CO2. Students will be able to imlement Searching and Sorting using Meta Language.
CO3. Students will be able to Creatively implement the concept of Dictionary using Meta Language.
CO4. Students will be able to Define and Design algorithms using Meta Language.
RIT-554 Object Oriented Techniques Lab CO1. Apply object oriented principles in software design process.
CO2. Develop C++ programs for real applications using C++ constructors and libraries.
CO3. Understand and apply various object oriented features like inheritance, data abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism to solve various computing problems using C++ language.
CO4. Implement blue prints in C++.
RIT-E13 Object Oriented Techniques CO1. Apply Object concepts with various diagrams.
CO2. Create and apply class model, state model and interaction model for any system.
CO3. Analyze the application domain and prepare models from Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
CO4. Apply the re-engineering in the applications.
CO5. Use the concepts of Object Oriented design in implementing design.
B.Tech-IT VI Semester
RAS- 601 Industrial Management CO1. Students will be able to Understand the concept, development, application and scope of Industrial Management and the impact of engineering solutions in a global and multidisciplinary scenario.
CO2. Students will be able to Analyze different types of production systems, Inventory Management, Supply Chain Management, TQM and Industrial Ownership by conducting experiments and interpretation of data.
CO3. Students will be able to Describe process charts, Flow diagrams, deterministic models , control charts etc
CO4. Students will be able to Design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy using realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health, safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
CO5. Students will be able to Evaluate Productivity Index, EOQ , Inventory costs etc.
CO6. Students will be able to Remember the basic concepts of Time and Motion study, Production Planning and Understand the Fayol Principle of Management, Management Functions and Project Management
RAS- 602 Cyber Security CO1. Student will be able to describe the basics of information systems.
CO2. Student will be able to understand Application security Security Threats.
CO3. Student will be able to gain knowledge about Secure Information Systems development.
CO4. Student will be able to demostrate and create knowledge about Security Policies Information Security Standards.
RUC- 601 Industrial Sociology CO1. Student will be able to describe the basics of information systems.
CO2. Student will be able to understand Application security Security Threats.
CO3. Student will be able to gain knowledge and understanding of E-commerce and Electronic Payment System.
CO4. Student will be able to gain knowledge about Secure Information Systems development.
CO5. Student will be able to demostrate and create knowledge about Security Policies Information Security Standards.
RCS- 601 Computer Networks CO1. Students will be able to identify and describe various network models and LAN standards.
CO2. Students will be able to explain and apply data link layer of OSI model
CO3. Students will be able to analyze and design logical addressing and routing algorithms.
CO4. Students will be able to analyze and integrate connection management and presentation layer mechanism.
CO5. Students will be able to practice and analyze various application layer protocols.
RCS- 602 Compiler Design CO1. Students will be able to understand the functionality of each phase involved in Compilation process.
CO2. Students will be able to design apply the parsing techniques including Bottom-up and Top-down parsing for the given programming construct described in Context Free Grammar.
CO3. Students will be able to Identify and apply the different representations of intermediate code.
CO4. Students will be able to understand the concepts of storage administration for different programming environments.
CO5. Students will be able to apply different error recovery routines to recover the errors seen at different phases of compilation.
CO6. Students will be able to analyze and create the machine code by considering all the functionalities involved in different phases of the compilation process.
RIT-601 Web Technology CO1.Apply the knowledge of the internet and related internet concepts that are vital in understanding web application development and analyze the insights of internet programming to implement complete application over the web.
CO2. Understand, analyze and apply the role of mark up languages like HTML, DHTML, and XML in the workings of the web and web applications.
CO3. Use web application development software tools i.e. XML, Apache Tomcat etc. and identifies the environments currently available on the market to design web sites.
CO4.Understand, analyze and build dynamic web pages using client side programming JavaScript and also develop the web application using servlet and JSP
CO5. Understand the impact of web designing by database connectivity with JDBC in the current market place where everyone use to prefer electronic medium for shopping, commerce, fund transfer and even social life also.
RCS- 651 Computer Networks Lab CO1. Student will be able to describe and practice to use various networking components and demonstrate different transmission media and design cables for establishing a network.
CO2. Student will be able to perform and diagnose the network configuration using logical addressing.
CO3. Student will able to develop and manage different types of Networks.
CO4. Students will be able to apply and analyze various networks protocols on different layers of OSI or TCP/IP.
RCS- 652 Compiler Design Lab CO1. Students will be able to Describe the functionality of lexical analysis phase involved in Compilation process.
CO2. Students will be able to Implement NFA from regular expression.
CO3. Students will be able to Implement the parsing techniques including Bottom-up and Top-down parsing for the given programming construct described in Context Free Grammar.
CO4. Students will be able to Understand the different representations of intermediate code.
CO5. Students will be able to Generate the machine code by considering all the functionalities involved in different phases of the compilation process.
RIT-651 Web Technology Lab CO1. Understand fundamentals of web development and Java, including defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, Applet, AWT.
CO2. Understand, analyze and apply the role of scripts/languages like HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, DOM, and SAX to solve real world problems.
CO3. Understand, analyze and design the role of JavaScript for dynamic web pages.
CO4. Design and deploy different components using EJB, and database tables using JDBC and produce various results based on given query.
CO 5. Design and deploy a server-side java application called Servlet JSP tools to catch form data sent from client, process it and store it on database.
RCS- 654 Data Warehousing Data Mining Lab CO1. Student should be able to Design Create Data Warehouse using any RDBMS System like Oracle/MySQL
CO2. Student should be able to perform multi dimensional queries OLAP operations
CO3. Student should be able to pre processing of data / data preparation for Data Mining
CO4. Student should be able to perform the operation of Association Rule (APRIORI Algorithm)
CO5.Student should be able to implement the algorithms to Classification, Decision Three, Clustering, Regression Analysis, ANN based analysis.
RIT-E22 Data Warehousing Data Mining CO1. Student should be able to understand the difference between OLTP and OLAP systems and data warehouses.
CO2. Student should be able create and evaluate the dominant data warehousing architectures and their support for quality attribute.
CO3. Student should be able to understand the concept of data mining and apply its functionality for data processing, data cleaning, data reduction, and analysis.
CO4. Student should be able to understand the concepts of data generalization, mining class comparison, association rules etc.
CO5. Student should be able to understand the concept of classification, prediction and cluster analysis.
B.Tech-IT VII Semester
RIT-701 Cryptography Network Security CO1. Student will be able to understand the types of attacks, Encryption Techniques, Block Ciphers Data Encryption standard
CO2. Student will be able to apply knowledge of elementary Discrete Maths, Advanced Encryption Standard, Rivest Shamir Adleman, CRT
CO3. Student will be able to define and calculate Message Authentication, Secure Hash Algorithm, Digital signatures Birthday attack
CO4. Students will be able to describe Pretty Good Privacy, Symmetric key Distribution, Key mgmt, Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
CO5. Students will able to evaluate IP Security, security payload, secure socket layer system security
ROE- 074 Understanding the human being Comprehensively Human Aspiration audits fulfilment CO1. Students will be able to apply the fundamental aspects of AI, Intelligent agents in field of AI
CO2. Students will be able to apply and analyze various search strategies in AI and its area of applications
CO3. Students will be able to discuss and create the methods for Knowledge Representation Reasoning in AI
CO4. Students will be able to demonstrate the Machine learning concepts its fundamental algorithms
CO5. Students will be able to analyse and apply the pattern recognition techniques its role in AI
RCS- 071 Applications of Soft Computing CO1: Student should be able to understand the concept of Neural Network and Artificial Neural Network. They should be able to create and evaluate the various architecture of ANN and different learning techniques.
CO2: Student should be able to understand the architecture and meaning of Back Propagation Network.
CO3: Student should be able to understand the basic concept of Fuzzy Logic, fuzzy vs crisp data, and fuzzy to crisp data conversion.
CO4: Student should be able to apply the concept of Fuzzyfication and De-fuzzyfication, and creating fuzzy logic based industrial applications.
CO5: Student should be able to understand the basic concept of Genetic Algorithm, genetic representation of a problem, genetic operators, and applying it in various optimization problems.
CO6: Student should be able to create a model of fusion of Fuzzy and Neural Network processes for industrial applications.
RCS- 077 Agile Software Development Student will be able to understand the fundamentals of Agile Software Development.
Student will be able to apply different Agile processes like Scrum, Extreme Programming.
Student will be able to analyze the agility and knowledge management concept.
Student will be able to understand agility and requirement engineering.
Student will be able to understand agility and quality assurance.
RIT751 Cryptography Network Security Lab CO1. Student will be able to understand and Implement Encryption Techniques Data Encryption standard
CO2. Student will be able to apply knowledge of elementary Discrete Maths, Advanced Encryption Standard, RSA
CO3. Student will be able to define and calculate Message Authentication, Secure Hash Algorithm
CO4. Students will be able to implement Symmetric key Distribution, Key mgmt, Diffie Hellman Key Exchange
CO5. Students will be able to implement IDS
RCS752 Artificial Intelligence Lab CO1: Students will be able to learn different logic programming languages.
CO2: Students will be able to apply and analyze various problem solving techniques on artificial intelligent problems.
CO3: Students will be able to acquire skill to identify the given problem and design the rule based systems.
CO4: Students will be able to develop better understanding to represent various real life problem domains using logic based techniques and use this to perform inference or planning.
CO5: Students will be able to understand the working knowledge in Lisp and demonstrate that for solving the artificial intelligent problems
RIT-753 Industrial Training CO1. Students are expected to present the objective and the work done during training
CO2. Students are expected to apply the learned concept through design,analysis and development of mini project
CO3. Students are expected to present overall working and implementation of mini project during their presentation
CO4. Students are expected to present the result/output and prepare a mini project report
RIT754 Project CO1. To identify a real world problem in a clear and concise manner demonstrating a sound technical knowledge in form of synopsis covering problem understanding, project objectives, expected features and results.
CO2. To identify and summarize an appropriate list of literature review, analyse previous researchers’ work and relate them to current project.
CO3. To understand how to collect primary data from the field according to the requirements, analyse the collected data in form of tables, bar chats, pie charts, etc. and create a paper model for the project.
CO4.To undertake problem identification, formulation and design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.
CO5. To validate the results with defined project objectives through standard or benchmark procedures.
CO6. To present the project outlining the approach and expected results using good oral and written presentation skills thereby producing a written project report that record and compile work done throughout the project.
B.Tech-IT VIII Semester
ROE- 083 Machine Learning CO1: Gain knowledge about basic concepts of Machine Learning
CO2: Identify machine learning techniques suitable for a given problem
CO3: Solve the problems using various machine learning techniques
CO4: Apply Dimensionality reduction techniques.
CO5: Design application using machine learning techniques.
RCS- 082 Image Processing CO1: Student will be able to outline and define the principles of image formation and explain image enhancement in frequency domain.
CO2: Student will be able to interpret apply filters in spatial domain for image enhancements.
CO3: Student will be able to analyze various noise models and apply appropriate restoration techniques.
CO4: Student will be able to illustrate various segmentation processes and evaluate novel approach for segmentation.
CO5: Student will be able to identify and define various image compression techniques and analyze and apply appropriate compression techniques.
RCS- 087 Data Compression CO1. Understanding the basics of data compression and learn to solve the problems associated with different source coding techniques.
CO2. Implement the compression techniques to compress the different raw data and summerize the concepts associated with text, image and audio compression.
CO3. Learn dfifferent data compression principles and alogrithms.
CO4. Understanding the quantization problem and learn different types of quantization.
CO5. Understanding the operation of scalar and vector quantizer.
RIT-851 Seminar CO1. Student will be able to Identify, understand, discuss and solve current, real-world issues.
CO2. Student will be able to collaborate with others as they work on intellectual projects.
CO3. Student will be able to speak and debate with an appreciation for complex social, cultural and technical sensibilities.
CO4. Student will be able to increase self-motivation, personal responsibility, and understanding of his or her role in being an informed participant in the educational and organizational process.
Co5. Student will be able to construct a paper consistent with expectations of the discipline, including an appropriate organization, style, voice, and tone.
RIT-852 Project CO1. To identify a real world problem in a clear and concise manner demonstrating a sound technical knowledge in form of synopsis covering problem understanding, project objectives, expected features and results.
CO2. To identify and summarize an appropriate list of literature review, analyse previous researchers’ work and relate them to current project.
CO3. To understand how to collect primary data from the field according to the requirements, analyse the collected data in form of tables, bar chats, pie charts, etc. and create a paper model for the project.
CO4.To undertake problem identification, formulation and design engineering solutions to complex problems utilising a systems approach.
CO5. To validate the results with defined project objectives through standard or benchmark procedures.
CO6. To present the project outlining the approach and expected results using good oral and written presentation skills thereby producing a written project report that record and compile work done throughout the project.
Admission Enquiry