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GNIX is a technical-cum-cultural society run by the students of several colleges. It was founded at GCET, Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology. It was presumably electronics society which encompassed EC, EI and EE branches only. With its growing popularity it soon amassed students of other branches as well. Being a technical society it provided platform & limelight for students to show their talents in various fields both technical & cultural. Very soon it reached GNIOT, Greater Noida Institute of Technology. September 13, 2007 will be remembered as the ‘foundation day’ of GNIX, as it was on this day that the GNIX was introduced to the students of GNIOT. Honourable Mr. Dhiraj Gupta Head of Department of Electronics & Communications, GNIOT took the position of faculty advisor of GNIX, Mr.Yogesh Kumar, Mrs. Arashdeep Kaur and Ms. Jasleen Khosla the faculty coordinator of GNIX were also present there. From students Priyesh Gupta became the General Secretary of GNIX. Since then GNIX has been working to provide a dais to students for upliftment of their technical abilities.
GNIX is a society by the students, from the students, for the students. On the top it has the General Secretary and supported by a Joint Secretary. Both of them are supported by a team of students which are further subdivided into Technical, Marketing, Editorial, Design, Event Management, Treasury, Discipline, Hospitality, Student Activity. Each team has a head supported by a group of students. All teams work in perfect harmony to become fruitful for the students.
The first year members actively take part in GNIX events whether it may be managerial or on competitive basis. The members are given special discounts in form of reduced entry fees. The second year members act as coordinators and help third year members to manage the events.
GNIX earns by sponsorships, event participation, registration forms, funding etc. The funds amassed by this community are used for different events, for GNIX annual magazine and for other needs. We give enticing prizes to our winners. GNIX annual magazine is distributed to all students of our college irrespective of their membership to the community. Identity cards are given to all members which are separate for respective years. GNIX also has a website by the name of www.gnixdaily.blogspot.com that has all necessary information regarding the community, its members and the events it organizes.
The events which GNIX organises are not defined by boundaries of different branches. For instance GNIX organised ‘ROMANESIQUE’ on 15th September 2008 which was a Mechanical cum Civil engineering event not to mention it was a success. In the same way we organised an ‘AD MAD’ show which was a marketing event. To maintain its essence of an Electronics, GNIX has organised Robotics workshops, VLSI design workshops, Embedded system workshop, and many seminars catering the needs of modern engineering students. Just to give you an overview we have contacts with Next Sapiens, DKOP labs, BRICS etc. Not to mention these are the leading organisations which conduct various electronic workshop. We have also given students a chance for field visits at NTPC Dadri, Honda etc. Apart from this GNIX also serves its members through cultural events. Declamations, Plays, Debates, Road shows, Roadies etc are some common events to be noted. GNIX also funds its members for going into various competitions and facilitates them as well, thus encouraging them to maintain a positive attitude. GNIX organises a Technical festival every year in springs which has plethora of events both of technical events. Special musical bands are arranged to maintain the charm of the show. The events are so designed that they include all branches. Cash prizes are given to the winners with a certificate and a trophy as well.