Home HOD Infrastructure Departmental Society Research & Publication
S.NO | Date | Type (Books/Seminars/Conf./Workshop/Papers others) | Particulars | Name of Faculty |
1 | 28/03/2014 | International Paper on "An Algorithm to Optimize the Traditional Backfill Algorithm using Priority using priority of jobs for Task Scheduling problems in Cloud Computing" | International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies(IJCSIT) ISSN:09759646 | Asif Khan |
2 | 27/04/2013 | National Paper on "Weka and Honeypot based Hybrid Intrusion Detection System: A new method to detect Intrusion in the Network" | National Conference on Role of ICT in Inclusive and sustainable National Development by CSI Ghaziabad Chapter | Asif Khan |
3 | 27/04/2013 | A Policy for Load Balancing in Vitual Machines adapting the changes in Load Dynamically using central job Dispatcher | National Conference on Role of ICT in Inclusive and sustainable National Development by CSI Ghaziabad Chapter | Asif Khan |
4 | 27/04/2013 | Implementation of ontology construction from text documents by singular value ecomposition | National Conference on Role of ICT in Inclusive and sustainable National Development by CSI Ghaziabad Chapter | Manoj Verma |
5 | 27/04/2013 | Frame problem: An argumentative approach | National Conference on Role of ICT in Inclusive and sustainable National Development by CSI Ghaziabad Chapter | Sudhanshu Saurabh, Vasudha Tiwari |
6 | 27/04/2013 | Key Factors in the successful implementation of ERP | National Conference on Role of ICT in Inclusive and sustainable National Development by CSI Ghaziabad Chapter | Sudhanshu Saurabh, Vasudha Tiwari |
7 | 27/04/2013 | Analysis of critical failure factors in implementation of ERP | National Conference on Role of ICT in Inclusive and sustainable National Development by CSI Ghaziabad Chapter | Vishesh Kumar,Saru Tomar, Shipra Srivastava |
8 | Mar-13 | Automatic Detection and Comparative Analysis of SVM and KNN Algorithm for the Implementation of Leucoderma | International Journal of Research Review in Engineering Science and Technology | Vishesh Kumar, Saru Tomar |
9 | Dec-13 | Expert Advisory Committee for Definitional Dictionary of Electrical Engg. | NSIT and CSTT , Min of HRD, New Delhi | Sudhanshu Saurabh |
10 | Jan-13 | Expert Advisory Committee for comperhensive glossary of Computer Sc. | GNIT and CSTT,Min of HRD, New Delhi | Sudhanshu Saurabh |
11 | Jan-13 | Technical Glossary of Insurance (Book) | Oriental Insurance and CSTT ,Min of HRD, New Delhi | Sudhanshu Saurabh |