Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

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Applied Science - Faculty Achievements

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Journal Papers:

  • N Kumar Pandey, A Sharma, N Yadav, Anil P Singh, V K Bajpai “Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Evaluation and Optimization of Solar Assisted Air-Heater Having Multi-Arcs with Gaps used as roughness elements” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMBIENT ENERGY, VOL. 44, NO. 1, pp. 413–423, 2023, (Scopus).
  • Anil P. Singh, Varun, Siddhartha, Amit Kumar “Heat Transfer enhancement in a solar air Heater with roughened duct having arc shaped elements as roughness elements on the absorber plate” Journal of The Institution of Engineers(India):Series C, Volume 97, Pages 381-388 May 2016,, (Scopus).
  • Anil P. Singh, Varun, Siddhartha, “Effect of artificial roughness on heat transfer and friction characteristics having multiple arc shaped roughness element on the absorber plate” Solar Energy,Volume 105, pp 479-493, 2014,, (SCIE).
  • Anil P. Singh, Varun, Siddhartha “Heat transfer and friction factor correlations for multiple arc shape roughness elements on the absorber plate used in solar air heaters” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 54,,pp 117-126, 2014,, (SCIE).
  • Tiwari, C. Bhatnagar “A survey of recent work on video summarization: approaches and techniques”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 80, pp. 27187-27221, 2021,
  • D. K. Sharma, Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Dr. Vishwa Nath Jha, "Laminar Boundary Layer Flow On A Flat Plate In A Rotating System With Magnetic Field" Journal For Basic Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 2 (2023) P. 606 - 616, DOI:10.37896/JBSV23.2/1811(SCOPUS/ UGC Care Group II)
  • Sandhya Mishra and Devpriya Soni, “Smishing Detector: A security model to detect smishing through SMS content analysis and URL behavior analysis”, Future Generation Computer Systems (ELSEVIER Journal), Vol. 108, Pp. 803-815, ISBN/ISSN No. 0167-739X, March 2020, Impact Factor: 7.187, H-index:119, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2020.03.021 .[Indexed: SCIE, SCOPUS]
  • Sandhya Mishra, Devpriya Soni, “DSmishSMS: A System to Detect Smishing SMS”, Neural Computing and Applications (SPRINGER Journal), July 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-021-06305-y, Impact Factor: 4.774, H-index: 80. [Indexed: SCIE, SCOPUS]
  • Sandhya Mishra, Devpriya Soni, “Implementation of ‘Smishing Detector’: An Efficient Model for Smishing Detection using Neural Network”. SN Computer Science (SPRINGER Journal), 2022, DOI: 3. 10.1007/s42979-022-01078-0 [Indexed: SCOPUS, DBLP]
  • M Pattnaik, M Badoni, Y Tatte, “Application of Gaussian-sequential-probabilistic-inference concept based kalman filter for accurate estimation of state of charge of battery”. Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier, 54, 105244, 2022 (8.9-Impact Factor).
  • M Pattnaik, M Badoni, Y Tatte, “PKLMP based control technique for improving performance of multifunctional grid integrated PV system”, Electric Power System Research, Elsevier, org/10.1016/j.epsr.2022.109096, Volume 217, April 2023 (3.8-Impact Factor).
  • Manasi Pattnaik, “Study of DOUBLY-FED Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems” published in International Journal of POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT, ISSN: 2231 – 4407Volume 1. Issue 3,2012
  • Vivek K Verma, Tarun Jain, Horesh Kumar, “ Machine Learning Perspectives for Dental Imaging”, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, vol. 8, issue 6, pp. 37-41 , 2019, doi:
  • Mani Varshney, C. Bihari, Y. Singh, M. Singh, A .K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D. K Gupta; An empirical relation for rotational energies in neutron rich transitional nuclei around A=100:Physica Scripta75, 451(2007).[ISSN:0031-8949,Impactfactor:0.946],
  • Singh, Chhail Bihari, Y. Singh, Deepti Gupta, A. K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D.K .Gupta; Evidence of rigid triaxiality in some Xenon Nuclei: Can. J .of Phys., 85(8),899-910(2007).[ISSNNO.:0008- 4204, Impact Factor: 0.886],
  • Chhail Bihari, M Singh, Y Singh, A K Varshney, K.K. Gupta and DKGupta; A new signature of triaxial region in even nuclei: PhysicaScripta;77,055201(2008). [ISSNNO.:0031-8949,IMPACTFACTOR:970],
  • C Bihari, Y Singh, M Singh, AK Varshney, KK Gupta and D K Gupta; Evidence of rigid triaxiality in some even nuclei: Physica. Scripta; 78, 045201, (2008). [ISSN NO.:0031-8949, Impact Factor:970]
  • Aditya Sharma, K.D. Verma, Mayora Varshney, Devendra Singh, Moti Singh, K. Asokan, Ravi Kumar; Effect of100MeV O7+ion beam irradiation on structural, optical and electronic properties of SnO2thin films; Radiation Effects& Defects in Solids: Vol. 165, No. 12, December, 930–937 (2010). [ISSN NO.:1042-0150, IMPACT FACTOR:0.404]
  • M Varshney, Y.Singh, M. Singh, C. Bihari, A.K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta, and D.K. Gupta: Seeking asymmetric rotors in mass region A=100-110:Phys. Scr.83, 015201(2011). [ISSNNO.:0031-8949, Impactfactor:1.204]
  • Yuvraj Singh, S. K. Dhiman, Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K .Gupta; In search of empirical rule relating and in asymmetric even–even nuclei of mass region A = 90 – 120: Can.J.Phys91, 777(2013)[ISSNNO.:0008-4204, Impact Factor: 0.902].
  • Singh, Y. Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; The odd-even staggering in 116-118Xe and 128,132-134Ce nucleiAdv. Studies Theor. Phys., 3, 6, 251 – 264, (2009). [ISSN NO.:131311],
  • Priyesh Tiwari, “Detection of SSVEP Frequency component using Filter Bank Approach for EEG Based BCI System” Neuro quantology, 2022, https://10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.NQQ22359.
  • Priyesh Tiwari, “Cuckoo Search Constrained Gamma Masking for MRI Image Detail Enhancement” Traitement du Signal, IIETA, 2022,
  • Priyesh Tiwari, “Relative Result and Design Analysis of SPV Tracking System on Simulink Platform” ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET),ISSN: 2348-7305
  • Dr Dinesh Kumar Sharma, “Mhd Flow Of Dusty Viscous Fluid Through A Porous Medium Bounded By An Oscillating Porous Plate In Slip Flow Regime” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2349-5162

Conference Paper

  • Barnwal P., Anil P. Singh, Mishra S., Kumar N., Joshi S., Tiwari V. “Development of Mathematical Model of Chiller System Considering Pressure as well as Heat Losses Using C++Programming” as chapter in the book Advances in Mechanical and Energy Technology, part of Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (Springer, Scopus) book series,June 2022, pages 197–207.
  • Khalid Nafees, Mohd. Qamar Tanveer, Ajay Mahendru, Anil P. Singh“A Computational Technique to Generate Coupler Curve Equation of 6-bar Mechanism” as chapter in the book Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering, part of Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies(Springer, Scopus) book series, August 2021, SIST, Vol. 239, Pages 349-356.
  • Anil P Singh, Rakesh Kumar Chaurasia “Design and Simulation of Low Cost Packaging Machine in Synchronization with Assembly Line” International Conference on Advancements and Recent Innovations in Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering (ARIMPIE-2016) conducted by department of Mechanical Engineering I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida, India in April 2016.
  • Anil P Singh “A review on effect of roughness geometries of absorber plate of solar air heater” International Conference on Advancements and Recent Innovations in Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering (ARIMPIE-2015) conducted by department of Mechanical Engineering, I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida, India during 10-11 April, 2015.
  • Mukul Shukla, Anil P Singh “Finite Element Analysis approach to determine elastic constant of CNT based Nano composites” International Conference on advanced design and development of materials (ICAMDD-2005), held at Goa, (Scopus), 14-16 December 2005.
  • Tiwari and C. Bhatnagar, "Automatic Caption Generation via Attention Based Deep Neural Network Model," 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO51393.2021.9596255.
  • Tiwari and C. Bhatnagar, presented a paper on “User Adaptive Video Summarization” 2023 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON 2023).
  • M Pattnaik, M Badoni, Y Tatte, “ Design and analysis of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system based MPPT technology.” 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-5, 978-1-6654-4175-9/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/INDICON52576.2021.9691525
  • M Pattnaik, M Badoni, Y Tatte, “Analysis of electric vehicle battery system”, 2021 4th International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation & Power Engineering (RDCAPE), 978-1-6654-1429-6/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/RDCAPE52977.2021.9633532.
  • M Pattnaik, M Badoni, Y Tatte, “Technical Proposal for Sizing of Equipment and Designing of Solar Photovoltaic System”, published in Green Technology for Smart City and Society”, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 151,, Springer Nature Singapore, 2021.
  • Dr Shivani Kaul “Techniques solid waste management with reference of Swaksh Bharat Abhiyan” at Motherhood University, Roorkee in 2022.
  • M Pattnaik, M Badoni, Y Tatte, ”Technical Proposal for Sizing of Equipment and Designing of Solar Photovoltaic System” published in Green Technology for Smart City and Society, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 151,, Springer Nature Singapore, 2021.
  • Manasi Pattnaik, Snigdha, “Analysis of equipment sizing and designing of 132/33/11 KV substation”, published in 2020 IEEE 10.1109/SCEECS48394.2020.163, NIT- Bhopal, 2020.
  • Snigdha, Manasi Pattnaik, “Comprehension of Different Techniques used in Increasing Output of Photovoltaic System ”,ICEEE 2020. Springer, Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 661,, 2020.
  • Sandhya Mishra and Devpriya Soni, "SMS Phishing and Mitigation Approaches", 2019 Twelfth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), Noida, India, pp. 1-5, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/IC3.2019.8844920. [indexed: SCOPUS, DBLP]
  • Sandhya Mishra and Devpriya Soni, “A Content-Based Approach for detecting Smishing in Mobile Environment” (March 20, 2019). In Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2019), February 26 - 28, pp. 986-993, 2019, Available at Elsevier SSRN: [indexed: SCOPUS]
  • Ritesh Srivastava, Horeshkumar, M.P.S Bhatia, Shriti Jain “Analyzing Delhi Assembly Election 2015 Using Textual Content of Social Network”, ICCCT '15: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology 2015, Organized by , Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad India (SCOPUS) September 25 - 27, 2015, doi:
  • Horesh Kumar, Shruti Jain, Ritesh Srivastava, “ Risk analysis of online social networks” 2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), Organized by Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India. (SCOPUS), 29-30 April 2016, doi:
  • Jain, A. Jain, P. S. Hada, Horesh Kumar, V. K. Verma and A. Patni “Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Mental Health”,2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), Organized by Coimbatore, India (SCOPUS), 02-04 September 2021, doi:
  • Gupta, Horesh Kumar, T. Jain, A. Shrotriya and A. Sinha, “Demographic Customer Segmentation of banking users Based on k-prototype methodology”, 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence), 2022, Organized by Amity University, Noida, India. (SCOPUS), 27-28 Jan 2022, doi:
  • Arun Jain, Anita Shrotriya, Vivek Kumar Verma, Horesh Kumar, “ Mask encryption based highly secure image steganography” 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques (ICCT), Organized by Jaipur, India. (SCOPUS),  22-23 December 2017,  doi:
  • Singh, Chhail Bihari, K. D Verma, D. K. Gupta, Y. Singh, K K Gupta, A K Varshney; B(E2) branching ratios of quasi-γ band in126Xe; DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys.Symp. B50,294(2005), Evidence of Asymmetrict opin130Ba;DAE Symp.onNucl. Phys.Symp.B50,295(2005) Ground state band and quasi-γ-band structure in104Ru;DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys. Symp.B50,296 (2005)
  • Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, K. D Verma, D. K. Gupta, Y. Singh, K K Gupta, A K Varshney; Low-lying levels of 150 Smands of trotor formula; DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys. Symp.B50,297(2005)
  • Singh, K K Gupta, Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, D K Gupta and A. K. Varshney; Prediction of some unknown quasi-γ-band energy levelsin188Os; DAE Symp. onNucl. Phys.Symp. B 50, 298 (2005).
  • Singh, Mani Varshney, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; B(E2) values of transitions from Kπ =0+→2+ vibrational bands in some well deformed heavy nuclei: DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys. 54, 122 (2009).
  • Mani Varshney, M.Singh, Chhail Bihari,Yuvraj Singh,A. K.Varshney, K. K.Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Study of nuclear shapes in even mass region A≈100: DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys. 54, 124(2009).
  • K.Varshney, Chhail Bihari, M.Singh, Yuvraj Singh, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Energy systematic in ground and gamma band of 98-112Ru:DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 54, 126 (2009).
  • Chhail Bihari,Yuvraj Singh, A.K.Varshney, M. Singh, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Search for Asymmetric rotors in mass region A≈100:DAE on Nucl. Phys. 54, 128 (2009).
  • Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari,M. Singh, A.K.Varshney, K.K.Gupta and D.K.Gupta; Mass coefficient systematic intriaxially deformed Xe & Ba nuclei: DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys. 54,130(2009).
  • K. Varshney, Y. Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Systematic for empirical variable δ with Np Nn and estimation of B(E2) ↑in Ru nuclei; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 278(2013).
  • Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Y. Singh, A.K .Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; A new relation to estimate Nuclear Radius; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 272(2013).
  • Pradeep Kumar, M. Singh, Y. Singh, Chhail Bihari,A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta1 and D. K. Gupta; In search of new relationship in Np Nn scheme; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 274 (2013).
  • Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta;NewestimatesofquadrupoledeformationβofsomenearlysphericalevenMo Nuclei ;DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 274 (2013).
  • M Singh, Mani Varshney,y singh, A K varshney, K K Gupta; Study of newly appeared $\gamma-gamma $ band, in 104-108 Mo:DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 63, 202(2018).
  • Y Singh, Mani Varshney, M Singh, A K Varshney, K K Gupta; One Electric Quadrupole Transition between rotational states of 188-192Os, DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 63, 206(2018).
  • Singh, M. Singh, A. Singh, V.Dutta, A.K. Varshney, K.K.Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Study of 126 Xe intriaxial frame work :DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. B 47, 80(2004).
  • Singh, M.Singh, A.Singh, V.Dutta, A.K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Signature splitting of quasi γ-band for 130 Ba and ARM:DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. Symp. B 47, 82 (2004).
  • Singh, M.Singh, A.Singh, V.Dutta, A.K.Varshney, K.K.Gupta and D.K.Gupta; Study of branching ratios of 132 Ba: DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys.Symp.B47,84(2004)
  • Singh, M.Singh, A.Singh, V.Dutta, A.K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; B(E2)Values of quasi γ-band in128Xe:DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. Symp. B 47,86 (2004)
  • Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, Mani Varshney, Y. Singh,A. K. Varshney, K. K.Gupta and D. K. Gupta;Yrast band energies of 124Ba: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. Symp.51, 266 (2006)
  • Singh, Chhail Bihari, Mani Varshney, Y.Singh, A.K.Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; 124 Xe whether γ-rigidorγ- soft: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. Symp.51, 268 (2006)
  • Mani Varshney, Chhail Bihari, M.Singh, Y. Singh, V.P.Varshney, A.K.Varshney, K.K.Gupta and D.K.Gupta;Ground and gamma band energies of 126 Xe&130Ba:DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys.Symp.51,270 (2006)
  • Singh, Mani Varshney, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Prediction of some ground and gamma band energies in 134-136Nd: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. Symp. 51, 272 (2006)
  • Singh, Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, S. K. Dhiman, A.K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D.K.Gupta: A new approach to evaluate rotational energies in124-132 Ba nuclei; DAESymp.onNucl.Phys.Symp.52 201(2007).
  • K. Varshney, Y .Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, K. K.Gupta and D.K.Gupta; Study of odd–even staggering inγ-band of 228 Th: DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys.52,246(2007)
  • Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, Mani Varshney, Y. Singh, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Assigning Rotational / Vibrational character to quasi γ-band in 152-158Gd: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 52 248 (2007)
  • K. Gupta, Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, Y. Singh, A. K. Varshney and D. K. Gupta; Search for triaxiality in some Barium isotopes: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 52 250(2007).
  • Mani Varshney, Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, Y. Singh, D.K.Gupta,  K. Varshney and K.K. Gupta:104-106 Mo whether X(5) or rotational: DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys. 52,252 (2007).
  • Singh, Chhail Bihari, Y. Singh, A.K. Varshney, K.K .Gupta and D.K. Gupta: The odd-even staggering in 116-118 Xe and 134 Ce nuclei: DAE Symp. On Nucl. Phys. 52,254 (2007).
  • Chhail Bihari, Y. Singh, M .Singh, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Role of staggering index in distinguishing axial and non–axial rotors: DAESymp.onNucl.Phys.53,263(2008).
  • Singh, Mani Varshney, K.K.Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Gamma band staggering in 128Ba:DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 53, 307 (2008).
  • Chhail Bihari, Yuvraj Singh,  K. Varshney, Moti Singh, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Shape transitions in neutron rich110-112 Ru nuclei and empirical relations :DAE Symp .on Nucl. Phys. 55,108(2010).
  • Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari, A.K. Varshney, Mani Varshney, Moti Singh, K. K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta Triaxial energy relation to describe rotational band in 98-112Ru nuclei: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 55, 110 (2010).
  • Mani Varshney, Moti Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Search of Asymmetric rotors in some even-even Ru-isotopes: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 55, 112 (2010).
  • Chhail Bihari, Aparna Sharma, A. K. Varshney, M. Singh, Mani Varshney, Yuvraj Singh, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Systematic of triaxial moment of inertia in even nuclei of mass region A=90 –120: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 56, 386 (2011).
  • Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari, Aparna Sharma, A.K.Varshney, Mani Varshney, K.K.Gupta and D.K.Gupta Odd–Even staggering, are result of γ–band split; DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys.56,410(2011).
  • Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari, Aparna Sharma, A.K. Varshney, M. Singh, Mani Varshney, S.K. Dhiman, K.K. Gupta & D.K. Gupta; Study of 148-152 Smnuclei employing γ–derived from B(E2) values and level energies: DAE Symp .on Nucl. Phys.56, 414(2011).
  • Mani Varshney, M. Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari, Aparna Sharma, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta: Regional regularities for the even – even nuclei in intermediate mass region: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 56, 416 (2011).
  • Yuvraj Singh, Chhail Bihari, Aparna Sharma, A. K. Varshney, M. Singh, Mani Varshney, S. K. Dhiman, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta: Study of Triaxial deformation variable γ in even – even nuclei: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 56, 418 (2011).
  • K. Varshney, Yuvraj Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, S.K.Dhiman, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Prediction of energies of y rast band in some even-even nuclei; DAE Symp. onNucl. Phys.57,370(2012).
  • Yuvraj Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, A.K. Varshney, S. K. Dhiman, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; Systematics of triaxial moment of inertia and deformation parameters (β, γ) in even-even nuclei of mass regionA=90-120; DAESymp.onNucl.Phys.57,248(2012).
  • Singh, Aparna Sharma, Yuvraj Singh, A. K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta and D.K. Gupta; A Simple approach of extracting deformation parameter β for asymmetric nuclei from : DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 57, 354 (2012).
  • Pradeep Kumar, M. Singh, Y .Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Study of NpNn scheme in some near magic light nuclei chains: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 274 (2013).
  • K. Varshney, Y. Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; A simple approach of extracting β fro : DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 278(2013).
  • Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Evidence of triaxiality in 162Er DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 58, 282 (2013).
  • Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Y. Singh, A.K. Varshney, and D.K.Gupta; 232Th, a rigid rotor: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 59, 92 (2014).
  • K. Varshney, Y. Singh, M. Singh and K. K. Gupta: A simple approach of extracting β from : DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 59, 202 (2014).
  • Chhail Bihari, M. Singh, Y. Singh, A.K. Varshney and D.K. Gupta; Study of K=02low-lying energy level sin heavy mass nuclei: DAE Symp. on Nucl.Phys.59,206(2014).
  • K. Gupta, Chhail Bihari, Y.Singh, M.Singh and A.K. Varshney; Rigid rotational structure of g,β and γ bands in heavy mass nuclei :DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys.59,208(2014).
  • Pradeep Kumar, M.Singh, Rajesh Kumar,Y. Singh, A. K. Varshney and D. K. Gupta; Study of NpNn scheme in some near magic light nuclei: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 59, 200 (2014).
  • Singh, Sanjay Sharma, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari and A. K. Varshney ; Evidence of triaxiality in 162Er: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 59, 204 (2014).
  • Singh, Rajesh Kumar, A. K. Varshney and D.K. Gupta; Study of ground, γ and γγ – bands in 112Ru nucleus: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 60, 246-248(2015).
  • K. Varshney, M. Singh, Yuvraj Singh and Rajesh Kumar; Asymmetric deformation and NpNn scheme: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 60, 258-259 (2015).
  • K. Gupta, M. Singh, Y. Singh, A. Singh and A. K. Varshney; Energy levels observed as bands in some even nuclei support the rotational structure: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 60, 256-257 (2015).
  • Singh, M. Singh, Chhail Bihari, Pradeep Kumar, K. K. Gupta and D. K. Gupta; Regional regularities in various mass regions of even nuclei: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 60, 248-249(2015).
  • Rajesh Kumar, M. Singh and S. Sharma; Study of odd-even staggering in γ-band of 154Gd: DAE Symp.on Nucl. Phys. 60, 166-167 (2015).
  • AK Varshney, M Singh, Y Sing, DK Gupta; Break down in NpNn Scheme-evidence and proposed solution: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 61, 242-243(2016).
  • M Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, K.K. Gupta, DK Gupta; Structure of 192Pt nucleus and staggering in γ-band: DAESymp.onNucl.Phys.61,254-255(2016)
  • Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Rajesh Kumar, A.K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta; Systematics in p-n interaction vs deformation: DAE Symp.on Nucl.Phys.62,252-253(2017).
  • A K .Varshney, M. Singh, Y. Singh, K.K.Gupta; Whether 192Os is a triaxially rigid nucleus ? DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 62, 254-255 (2017).
  • Role of asymmetry in breakdown in NpNn scheme: Y. Singh, M. Singh, A K .Varshney, K.K.Gupta; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 62, 256-257 (2017).
  • Rajesh Kumar, M. Singh and Satendra Sharma: Study of shape phase transition using power index formula: DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 62, 328-329(2017).
  • Singh, Y. Singh, Devendra Singh, A.K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta; Odd even stagger in rigid triaxial rotor model; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 64, 162(2019).
  • Singh, M. Singh, Mani Varshney, Devendra Singh, A .K. Varshney, K.K. Gupta; On nuclear shapes of 170Er; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 64, 164(2019).
  • Singh, Y. Singh, Gulshan Mahajan, A. K. Varshney, K. K. Gupta; Study of nuclear shapes of some even nuclei; DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 66, 272(2022).


  • Kirti, Dr. Ram Naresh Sarswat, Dr. Vinod Gill; Dr Ruchi Gupta, Mr. Mukesh Kumar Sahu, Patent submitted in intellectual Property in India with title "A kind of multidimensional data analytics system for business object" (Application no.: 2023 1100 3702) Publication / Grant Date: 27/01/2023)
  • Lalit kumar, Anil Prakash Singh, Md. Q Tanveer, Manoj K Yadav “IOT based Multi-use Smart Agricultural Machine for Seeding, Ploughing, Pesticide spraying and Grass cutting for Smart Farming” (Application Number: 365191-001) Published on 22nd December 2022.
  • Hambeer Singh,Dr. Deepankar Sharma,Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Mr. Raveendra Kumar Bharti, Ms. Vasudha Tiwari,Prof.(Dr.) Anil Kumar, “A system for Breast Cancer Image Classification Using 2C Algorithm with Multiclass Support Vector Machine Interfaces” (Application Number: 202211017594) Published on 1st April 2022.
  • Dr Shivani Kaul, Ms Preeti Sharma, Mr Arun Kr Chowdhary, Ms Shikha Srivastav, Dr Renu Kaushik “E-Health at Outpatient Clinics in Village to Village Management” Application No. 202211055507.


  • Vivek Kumar Verma, Tarun Jain, Horesh Kumar, Dr. Vijay Kumar Sharma and Jaya Krishna R,” A Computational Perspective of Plant Disease”, Published by Weser Books Publication, eBook ISBN: 978-3-96492-257-1 DOI:,  2020
  • Vijay Kumar Sharma, Jyoti Khandelwal, Tarun Jain, Jaya Krishna R and Horesh Kumar,” Artificial Intelligence and cloud computing Basics”, Published by Rubicon Publications, eBook ISBN: 978-1-913482-60-2  DOI: https://www.rubicon, 2020
  • Tarun Jain, Mr. Horesh Kumar, Dr. Aditya Sinha, Ms. Anita Shrotriya, Mr. Ankit Mundra, Ms. Shikha Mundra, Mr. Rohit Kumar Gupta and Ms. Divya Dadarya,” Interdisciplinary Applications and Implementations of Applied Artificial Intelligence “, Published by Weser Books Publication, eBook ISBN: 978-3-96492-364-6 DOI:, 2021
  • Vasudha Tiwari, “Emerging Technology for Engineering” by Vayu Education of India, New Delhi. ISBN no. 978-93-92475-00-9
  • Dr B S Chauhan, “Inorganic Chemistry” Published By Vikash Publishing House Pvt.Ltd In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 9789354535918)
  • Dr B S Chauhan, “Medicinal Chemistry” Published By Vikash Publishing House Pvt.Ltd In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 9789354539091)
  • Dr B S Chauhan, “Inorganic Chemistry” Published By Vikash Publishing House Pvt.Ltd In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 9789390033737)
  • Dr B S Chauhan, “Analytical Chemistry” Published By Vikash Publishing House Pvt.Ltd In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 9789354537011)
  • Dr B S Chauhan, “Applications Of Sectroscopy, Photochemistry & Solid State Chemistry” Published By Vikash Publishing House Pvt.Ltd In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 9789354539374)
  • Dr B S Chauhan, “Physical Chemistry” Published By Vikash Publishing House Pvt.Ltd In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 9789389912791)
  • Dr Kapil Tyagi, Dr Shweta Tyagi “Super Foods And Its Importance In Our Daily Life (Vol-I)” Published By K D Publications, Puna, Maharastra In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 978-93-90847-73-0)
  • Dr Kapil Tyagi, Dr Shweta Tyagi “Super Foods And Its Importance In Our Daily Life (Vol-Ii )” Published By K D Publications, Puna, Maharastra In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 978-93-94570-18-4)
  • Dr Kapil Tyagi, “Healthy Diet For Healthy Life” Published By K D Publications, Puna, Maharastra In 2022. ( Isbn Number: 978-93-94424-14-2)

Book Chapters

  • Horesh Kumar, Tarun Jain, Kartik Soni, Amisha Gupta, Rishi Gupta, Arjun Singh, Aditya Sinha, Book chapter titled as “A Highly Reliable Machine Learning Algorithm for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction” published in book titled as “Healthcare Solutions Using Machine Learning and Informatics”, PP 61-73,CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA (ISBN: 9781003322597 DOI:,2022
  • Tarun Jain, Payal Garg, Jalak Yogesh Patel, Div Chaudhary, Horesh Kumar, Vivek K Verma, Rishi Gupta, Book chapter titled as “Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Diabetes” published in book titled as “Healthcare Solutions Using Machine Learning and Informatics,” PP 205-235 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA ( ISBN: 9781003322597 DOI:,2022
  • Ravi Nahta, Tarun Jain, Abhishek Narwaria, Horesh Kumar and Rohit Kumar Gupta, Book chapter titled as " Image Encryption Decryption Using Simple and Modified Version of AES" published in book titled as " Smart Systems and IoT: Innovations in Computing", PP 641-653 Copyright Holder Name: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, ( ISBN: 978-981-13-8406-6 DOI: ) 2019
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