Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

Mechanical Engineering - COs

Overview Vision and Mission PEO-PO-PSO HOD's Message Faculty Achievements Student Achievements Student Clubs Labs Departmental Advisory Committee COs ACTIVITIES

Code Course Name Course Objective
KOE038 Electronics Engineering CO1. Understand the concept of PN junction and special purpose diodes
CO2. Study the application of conventional diode and semiconductor diode
CO3. Analyse the I-V characteristics of BJT and FET.
CO4. Analyse the of Op-Amp, amplifiers, integrator, and differentiator.
CO5. Understand the concept of digital storage oscilloscope and compare of DSO with analog oscilloscope.
KAS301 Technical Communication CO1. Students will be enabled to understand the nature and objective of Technical Communication relevant for the work place as Engineers.
CO2. Students will utilize the technical writing for the purposes of Technical Communication and its exposure in various dimensions.
CO3. Students would imbibe inputs by presentation skills to enhance confidence in face of diverse audience.
CO4. Technical communication skills will create a vast know-how of the application of the learning to promote their technical competence.
CO5. It would enable them to evaluate their efficacy as fluent efficient communicators by learning the voice-dynamics.
KME301 Thermodynamics CO1 Students will be able to understand the concept of systems, surroundings and boundaries along with zeroth law of thermodynamics and first law of thermodynamics
CO2 Students will be able to understand the concept of second law of thermodynamics and deep knowledge about entropy.
CO3 Students will be able to understand the concept of Availability and Irreversibility, exergy analysis and thermodynamic relations.
CO4 Students will be able to understand the properties of steam and cycle based on power production by using the heat energy of steam.
CO5 Students will be able to understand the concept of refrigeration cycles and performance of vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
KME- 302 FLUID MECHANICS FLUID MACHINES CO1. Learn about the application of mass and momentum conservation laws for fluid flows.
CO2. Understand the importance of dimensional analysis.
CO3. Obtain the velocity and pressure variations in various types of simple flows.
CO4. Analyze the flow in water pumps and turbines.
CO5. Mathematically analyze simple flow situations.
CO6. Evaluate the performance of pumps and turbines.
KME 303 Materials Engineering CO1.Students will be able to understand basics of material structure, crystallography, imperfections and different mechanical properties with their testing.
CO2.Students should have ability to explain the failure theory, fracture, fatigue properties and NDT testing for dofferent materials.
CO3.Students should be ready to aquire the knowledge of solidification, phase equilibrium diagram for different materials
CO4.Students will be able to understand the various heat treatment processes for ferrous and nonferrous materials and their alloys.
CO5.Students should understand the concept of basic properties, Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again. Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.
KME- 351 FLUID MECHANICS LAB CO1. Measure the properties of fluids
CO2. Compare the actual discharge with theoretical discharge through pipes and notch and weirs.
CO3. Validate the Bernoulli’s theorem and Darcy’s law.
CO4. Measure the loss of fluid flow energy in pipe chain.
CO5. Measure the efficiency of turbines on different loads.
CO6. Measure the performance of the pump on different loads.
KME 352 Materials Testing Lab CO1.Students will be able to analyse different types of strength testing on UTM machine.
CO2.Students should have ability to explain and analyse the Impact test on impact testing machine like Charpy, Izod or both.
CO3.Students should be ready to aquire the knowledge to measure the Hardness of given specimen using Rockwell and Vickers/Brinell testing on machines
CO4.Students will be able to understand the Spring index test on springtesting machine
CO5.Students will be able to analyse the Fatigue test and torsion test on fatigue testing torsion testing machine.
CO6.Students should have ability to explain the NDT testing for different materials
KME353 Computer Aided Machine Drawing-I Lab CO1. The students will be able to understand the difference between design and drafting, views, quadrant etc.
CO2. The students will be able to understand the projection of different
machine elements.
CO3. The students will be able to understand the different types of fastener and their projection.
CO4. The students will learn to draft coupling, riveting etc.
CO5. The students will be able to understand assembly of different machines’ elements with assembly drawing.
KAS- 402 MATHS-IV CO1. The students will be able to learn the idea of partial differentiation and types of partial differential equations
CO2. The students will be able to learn the idea of classification of second partial differential equations, wave, heat equation and transmission lines
CO3. The students will be able to learn the basic ideas of statistics including measures of central tendency, correlation, regression and their properties.
CO4. The students will be able to learn the idea s of probability and random variables and various discrete and continuous probability distributions and their properties.
CO5. The students will be able to learn the statistical methods of studying data samples, hypothesis testing and statistical quality control, control charts and their properties.
KVE401 Universal Human Values CO1. To sensitize students about the role and importance of human values and ethics in Personal, social and professional life.
CO2. To encourage students to read and realize the values of enlightened human beings.
CO3. To enable students to understand and appreciate ethical concerns relevant to modern lives.
CO4. Students becoming responsible citizens and better professionals who practice Values and Ethics in every sphere of life.
KME401 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS CO1 Student must be able to explain the basic cycles involved in operation of petrol and diesel engines.
CO2 Student must be able to test a actual running engine on the basis of
various parameters.
CO3 Student must be able to design and analyse a thermal power plant.
CO4 Student must be able to apply the fundamentals of steam and gas nozzles in real world problems.
CO5 Student must be able to understand the basics of gas turbine and jet propulsion.
KME- 402 ENGINEERING MECHANICS CO1 Students should be able to evaluate the resultant force of any coplanar force system and friction forces.
CO2 Students should be able to determine the internal forces in trusses and understand how to draw the variation of shear load and bending moment acting over entire length of different beams
CO3 Students should be able to obtain centroid and second moment of area.
CO4 Students should be able to describe the motion of a rigid body in terms
CO5 Students should be able to apply work, energy, impulse and momentum relationships for a particle in motion.
CO6 Students should be able to describe and find the strength of material in bending and torsion.
KME 403 Manufacturing Processes CO1.Students should be able to understand importance of the casting method, design considerations and their types, metal forming processes and their analysis sheet metal operations like cup/deep drawing and bending.
CO2.Students should be able to understand metal cutting operation.
CO3.Students should be able to learn grinding and super finishing
CO3.Students should be able to learn grinding and super finishing processes.
CO4.Students should be able to Identify the use and applications of welding
CO5.Students should be able to learn the basics of unconventional machining processes.
KME 451 Applied thermodynamics Lab CO1. Students will be able to analyse and understand the working of different types of Boiler.
CO2. Students should have ability to explain and analyse the two stroke and four stroke engine.
CO3. Students should be ready to aquire the knowledge to measure the heat balance sheet.
CO4. Students will be able to understand the steam engines.
CO5. Students will be able to analyse the gas turbine.
KME 452 Manufacturing Processes Lab. CO1. The students will understand the construction working principle of Lathe machine and their application
CO2. The students will be able to analyse the working of milling machines shaper machine.
CO3. The students will learn to analyse grinding machine, surface grinding machine and drilling machine.
CO4. The students can able to understand the design of different types of tool angles, tool materials, tool wear tool life.
CO5. The students will be able to know the design and drawing of Jigs Fixture to hold the job on different machines.
CO6. The students will be able to know the different types of welding processes and also the latest welding (joining) process like TIG MIG.
KME- 453 COMPUTER AIDED MACHINE DRAWING-II LAB CO1. The students will understand the Conventional representation of machine components and materials.
CO2. The students can able to understand Surface Roughness and nomenclature, machining symbols, indication of surface roughness.
CO3. The students will learn Limits, Tolerance and Fits system of engineering design.
CO4. The students will be able to understand and draw Part and Assembly Drawing of various machine parts.
CO5. The students will understand Specification of Engineering materials, representation, Code designation.
CO6. The students will be able to understand design and drawing of Production Drawing system.
CO7. The students will be able to work on varrious Computer Aided Drafting software like AutoCAD, ProE etc.
RME501 MACHINE DESIGN - I CO1. Student will be able to apply standards in design of machine components.
CO2. Student will be able to select different types of materials for different types of load.
CO3. Student will be able to design machine components for static load.
CO4. Student will be able to design machine components for fluctuating load.
CO5. Student will be able to design riveted joint, shaft key coupling.
CO6. Student will be able to design mechanical spring power screw.
RME- 051 I C Engine Compressor CO1. Students should be able to demonstrate about the basic knowledge of engine and basic working cycles.
CO2. Students will be able to understand the working and design of spark ignition engines and to understand use of Superchaging and Turbocharging.
CO3. Students will be able to understand the working and design of compression ignition engines.
CO4. Students will be able to understand the various types of cooling, lubricants, fuels and testing Performance of engines.
CO5. To understand the basic working principle of air compressor and its application.
RME503 Manufacturing Science Tech II CO1. Student will be able to understand the mechanics of metal cutting, forces, cutting tool geometry and other realted parameters like power required, heat generation.
CO2. Student will be able to identify various machine tools like lathe, milling, drilling, shaper and planer.
CO3. Student will be able to undeerstand the various finishing processes like grinding, superfinishing and surface roughness.
CO4. Student will be able to understand the basic concenpts of metal joining processes like welding, soldering, brazing and adhessive bonding etc.
CO5. Student will be able to understand the concepts of unconventional machining and hybrid machining, welding.
RME- 502 Heat and Mass Transfer CO1 Student will be able to analyze conduction heat transfer in different heating and cooling system.
CO2 Student will be able to design fin for different application.
CO3 Student will be able develop solutions for transient heat conduction in simple geometries.
CO4 Student will be able to analyze heat transfer by convection in closed conduits and on external surfaces.
CO5 Student will be able to calculate heat transfer by thermal radiation for practical situations.
CO6 Student will be able to analyze heat exchanger performance by using LMTD and NTU method.
CO7 Student will be able to solve mass transfer problems involving biological and environmental systems
RAS- 502 Sociology CO1. Students should be able to understand the dynamics of groups at work place
CO2. Student should know the growth of industrialisation in India and its effects on productivity
CO3. Students should be able to understand different industrial policies.
CO4. Student can understand the impact of indiscipline in the organisation and methods to cope up.
CO5. Student Should be able to understand the models of industrialization, Cuftural issues, consumer society and concern
RAS501 Managerial Economics CO1. Students will be able to understand the basic principles of managerial economics and demand in firms.
CO2. Students will be able to analyze supply conditions and different forecasting techniques of the market.
CO3. Students will be able to solve economic problems by using analytical techniques including benefit-cost ratio and breakeven analysis.
CO4. Students will be able to design and analyze competition strategies, including costing, pricing, product differentiation, and market environment according to the natures of products and the structures of the markets.
CO5. Students will be able to understand recession and expansion of economic activity through business cycle.
RME- 551 Design and Simulation Lab I CO1 Students will learn and understand the difference between design and drawings. And understand the use of design data book.
CO2 Students will learn and understand the drafting software like Autocad.
CO3 Students will be able to design and drawing for static load for Knuckle and cotter joints.
CO4 Students will be able to design and drawing for machine components subjected to combined steady and variable loads.
CO5 Students will be able to design of boiler riveted joint and for eccentric loading condition.
CO6 Students will be able to design and drawing of types of coupling.
CO7 Students will be able to design and drawing of screw jack .
RME552 Heat Mass Transfer Lab CO1 Student will be able to measure the thermal conductivity of different common metallic materials.
CO2 Student will be able to determine the thermal conductivity of insulating Asbestos powder in spherical shell.
CO3 Student will be able to determine LMTD, effectiveness, heat transfer overall heat transfer coefficient in a heat exchanger.
CO4 Student will be able to visualise the pool boiling process and find out the heat transfer and heat transfer coefficient in a pool boiling apparatus.
CO5 Student will be able to determine the heat transfer coefficient through drop-wise and film-wise condensation apparatus.
CO6 Student will be able to study working principle of heat pipe.
RME553 Manufacturing Technology-II Lab CO1. The students will understand the construction and design of single point cutting tool.
CO2. The students will be able to calculate cutting forces to give desired shape and size of different components on lathe machine.
CO3. The students will be able to design and analyze milling and grinding operation.
CO4. The students will learn drilling operation.
CO5. The students will be able to understand the different type of welding and positions of welding.
CO6. The students will be able to understand the various unconventional manufacturing process.
RAS 601 Industrial Management CO1. Students will be able to understand the importance of management in industry along with the concept of productivity and various production systems.
CO2. Students will come across the functions of management and popular principles of management which have been developed at various point of times.
CO3. Students will come to know the right way of doing a particular job through techniques of work study and method study along with tools of inventory control.
CO4. Students will be able to know about quality, various approaches of quality control along with the concept of total quality management.
CO5. Students will apply project network techniques like CPM PERT.
RUC 601 CYBER SECURITY CO1 Students will be able to understand information system, its types and how to develop
CO2 Students will be able to do security risk analysis for any information system.
CO3 Students will be able to explain different types of security threats in information system.
CO4 Students will have basic knowledge of Security Technology like Firewall and VPNs
CO5 Students will be able to explain different types of security threats in E- Commerce.
CO6 Students will have basic knowledge of Information Security Standards
RME- 601 Fluid Machinery CO1. Students will be able to analyze the working principles of fluid machines.
CO2. Students will be able to evaluate power, efficiency and degree of reaction of reaction turbines.
CO3. Students will be able to design and analyze different centrifugal pumps and their performance characteristics.
CO4. Students will be able to analyze functioning of different positive displacement pumps and their performance characteristics
CO5. Students will be able to demonstrate and apply the basic concept of fluid mechanics in advance machines.
RME 602 TOM (Theory Of Machine) CO1. Distinguish kinematic and kinetic motion.
CO2. Create a schematic drawing of a real-world mechanism by using vector mechanics as a tool.
CO3. Design basic cam systems and gear trains.
CO4. Use graphical and analytic methods to do motion and force analysis of a planar mechanism.
CO5. Solve balancing problem of machines by using graphical and analytical methods.
CO6. Study the governor mechanism and application of friction in brakes and dynamometer.
RME- 603 MACHINE DESIGN - II CO1. Student will be able to understand different types of terminology used in gear design.
CO2. Student will be able to apply standards for gear systems.
CO3. Student will be able to explain different types of gear manufacturing methods.
CO4. Student will be able to design different types of gears on the basis of beam and wear strength.
CO5. Student will be able to design sliding contact bearing.
CO6. Student will be able to select rolling contact bearing from manufacturing catalogue.
CO7. Student will be able to design different types of IC Engine parts.
RME- 061 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning CO1 Student will be able to analyze and design air refrigeration systems used in aeroplanes and aircrafts.
CO2 Student will be able to use P-h and T-S chart to solve refrigeration design problems.
CO3 Student will be able to use T-S and Psychrometric charts to solve air conditioning design problems
CO4 Student will be able to perform cooling load calculations and elementary duct design for air conditioning systems used for various applications
CO5 Student will be able to operate and analyze the refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
RME- 062 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL CO1. Student will be able to know characteristics of Manufacturing systems and Production systems.
CO2. Student will be able to understand Forecasting Market Analysis.
CO3. Student will be able to have a clear understanding Resource Planning Selection of material.
CO4. Student will be able to know the basics of Dispatching rules, dispatching of work card, move card, inspection card and reports.
CO5. Student will be able to understand about Elements of network and its development, CPM and PERT techniques.
CO6. Student will be able to know various manufacturing resource planning (MRP) and enterprise resource planning (ERP).
RME- 651 Fluid Machinery Lab CO1. Students will be able to perform the experiment of impact of jet on vane
CO2. Students will be able to do experimental studies of Pelton wheel
CO3. Students will be able to do experimental studies of Francis turbine
CO4. Students will be able to do experimental studies of Kaplan turbine
CO5. Students will be able to do experimental studies of centrifugal pump
CO6. Students will be able to do experimental studies of reciprocating pump
RME- 652 Theory of Machines Lab CO1. Students able to know about the different between link and pairs with their applications.
CO2. Students can improve their knowledge about the mechanism, and they can understand the purpose of inversion of mechanism.
CO3. Students Gain practical working knowledge of some basic machine elements such as motors, gears, cam, and common linkages.
CO4. Students able to understand the practical application of Governor and Gyroscope.
CO5. Students able to balance the unbalance shaft with the help of static and dynamic balancing with the help of balancing apparatus.
CO6. Student will able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of vibration with the help of whirling of shaft and universal vibration apparatus. And student will able to control vibration.
RME- 653 Design Simulation Lab -II CO1. Students will learn and understand the the basics of computer language C
CO2. Students will learn and understand the the basics of computer language C++.
CO3. Students will be able to write simple computer programmes in C and C++
CO4. Students will be able to write computer program for the design of machine components in C language
CO5. Students will be able to write computer program for the design of machine components in C++ language
CO6. Students will be able to write a computer program in C or C++ for a real life problem for the complete design of a subsystem/system. the help of computer programmes in C or C++ and do research in the orthocad field
RME- 654 Refrigeration Air Conditioning lab CO1. Understand the principles and applications of refrigeration systems.
CO2. Evaluate performance of Vapour compression refrigeration system.
CO3. Apply working principle of VAR/VCR system to solve numericals based on VCR and VAR system.
CO4. Understand basics of psychrometry, air conditioning processes and different air conditioning systems.
CO5. Analyse different psychrometric processes on general cycle air conditioning trainer.
ROE- 074 Understanding the human being Comprehensively Human Aspiration audits fulfilment CO1. Student will be able to understand the need of Value Education as well as its learning process.
CO2. Student will be able to appreciate the essential complementarily between 'values' and 'skills' to ensure sustained happiness and prosperity.
CO3. Student will be able to develop a holistic perspective towards 'life' and 'profession' as well as towards happiness and prosperity based on correct understading of the Human reality and the rest of the Existence.
CO4. Student will be able to relate plausible implications of holistic understanding in terms of ethical human conduct, trustful and mutually fulfilling human behavior in family as well as in society and mutually enriching interaction with Nature.
CO5. Student will be able to understand Implications of the holistic understanding of harmony on Professional Ethics.
CO6. Student will be able to understand the need of Value Education as well as its learning process.
RME 701 CAD/CAM CO1. Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of geometric transformations and modelling.
CO2. Students will be able to perform the understanding of Numerical methods and FEM.
CO3. Students will be able to reveal a basic understanding of CAD of machine elements and design of software.
CO4. Students will be able to program and operate CNC machines.
CO5. Students will be able to demonstrate the understanding of system devices used in CNC machines
CO6. Students will be able to express the understanding of CAPP and master production schedule
CO7. Students will be able to display the understanding of Robotics and its programming
CO8. Students will be able to deliver a basic understanding of RP and FMS.
RME 702 AUTOMOBILE ENGG CO1 The students will understand basic concepts of automobile engineering and general configuration of an Automobile.
CO2 The students will be able to understand the basic concepts of Transmission System.
CO3 The students will be able to understand Braking System, Chassis and Suspension System.
CO4 The students will be able to understand Electrical System, Fuel Supply System.
CO5 The students can able to understand the basic principle of Emission standards and pollution control.
CO6 At the end of the course, the student can understand the Importance of Maintenance system.
RME- 071 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING CO1 Student will be able to learn about basics of power plant engineering
CO2 Student will be able to know about power plant economics
CO3 Student will be able to know about general layout, operation and maintenance of thermal power plant of thermal power plant
CO4 Student will be able to learn about performance of diesel power plant, gas turbine plant and its fuels
CO5 Student will be able to learn about nuclear reactors and hydro power plant
CO6 Student will be able to learn about electrical system in power plant
RME- 072 Supply Chain Management CO1. Students will be able to understand, design, develop and implement supply chain management concepts.
CO2. Student will be able to identify drivers and metrics in supply chain.
CO3. Student will be able to advice management on the organization of E- commerce, logistics, import taxes, risk, customs and legal aspects of global trading.
CO4. Student will be able to analyze the creation of new value in the supply chain for customers, society and the environment.
CO5. Student will be able to explain the strategic importance of logistic elements and describe how they affect supply chain management.
RME- 075 OPERATION RESEARCH CO1. Student will be able to formulate linear programming problem.
CO2. Student will be able to find optimal solution of an LPP.
CO3. Student will be able to solve the problems of assignment model and Transportation model.
CO4. Student will be able to understand the concept of decision making under under certainity,uncertainty and risk.
CO5. Student will be able to apply johnson's algorithm to find the sequence of n-jobs on m-machines
CO6. Student will be able to understand various models of inventory to solve the problems.
RME- 078 Automation Robotics CO1. Students will able to learn the impact of automation and robotics technology.
CO2. Students will able to learn about the manufacturing automation Robot time estimation in Manufacturing.
CO3. Student will able to learn about robotics; kinematic and dynamic and parts of the robot.
CO4. Students will able to learn the robotics derive amp; power transmission system and learn about types and functions of end effector.
CO5. Write algorithms to program and control simple mobile robots in useful engineering applications, interpret data obtained from real life problems using appropriate techniques to select suitable sensors and actuators for robots.
RME 751 CAD/CAM LAB CO1. Students will learn and understand Line Drawing or Circle Drawing algorithm though a computer program.
CO2. Students will learn and understand Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for translation/rotation/scaling though a computer program.
CO3. Students will be able to design and drawing for machine components and validate though a computer program.
CO4. Students will be able to understand design and draw commands of 3- D Modelling Software.
CO5. Students will be able to understand FEM concept and also able to validate the concept using a program or using a FEM Package.
CO6. Students will be able to understand Numerical differentiation or numerical integration concept and write a computer program to validate it.
RME- 752 I. C. Engine and Automobile Lab CO1. Students will understand the power generated inside the engine and transmitted to the wheels.
CO2. Students will be able to understand the design, construction and workimg of gearbox, differential of rear axle.
CO3. Students will be able to understand the design, construction and workimg of steering mechanism, braking system viz, mechanical, hydraulic disc, vacuume .
CO4. Students will learn design and working of fuel supply system, like, carburetor, fuel pumps, MPFI system.
CO5. Students will able to understand the constructional features of hatchback cars of different companies, like Maruti, Hyundai, TATA, Ford, Cheverolet.
CO6. Students will be able to understand the constructional features of Common Scooters and Motorbike, like Bajaj, LML, Honda
CO7. Visit to an automobile industry will give a general idea of autoparts manufacturing to the students.
ROE- 082 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CO1. Student will be able to know about entrepreneurship and distinguish between business and entrepreneurship
CO2. Student will be able to understand small scale industry and it's role in the growth of the country along with government policy regarding SSI
CO3. Student will be able to have a clear understanding of project identification it's feasibility cost benefit analysis and preparation of DPR.
CO4. Student will be able to know the basics of accountancy, balance sheets, economic viability , advertisement , inventory control and preparation of financial report
CO5. Student will be able to understand about project planning and it's control, risk analysis, capital expenditure and cash flow.
CO6. Student will be able to know various legal matters regarding business firm, partnership, sales, income tax and role of various national and state agencies offering financial assistance to SSIs.
ROE- 086 Renewable Energy CO1 Students should be able to describe the fundamentals and main characteristics of renewable energy sources and their differences compared to fossil fuels.
CO2 Students should be able to describe the basics of solar cell ,solar power plant, solar thermal energy and applications and performance.
CO3 Students should be able to describe geothermal energy, Magneto- hydrodynamics and fuel cells and their working, performance and limitations.
CO4 Students should be able to describe Wind energy system and Bio mass system and their working, performance and limitations.
CO5 Students should be able to describe Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), wave and tidal wave: Availability, theory and working principle, performance and limitations.
RME 080 Non Destructive Testing CO1. Students should be able to demonstrate the understanding of importance and application of non-destructive testing, classification of non- destructive testing and selection of non destructive testing process.
CO2. Students should be able to describe the basics of liquid penetrate inspection and magnetic particle inspection.
CO3. Students should be able to demonstrate the understanding of non- destructive testing by radiographic methods.
CO4. Students should be able to describe various advanced non-destructive testing techniques like Ultra sonic testing etc.
CO5. Students will be able to demonstrate the understanding of fundamentals of eddy current testing.
CO6. Students will be able to apply Non Destructive Testing techniques in various applications.
RME- 081 Advanced Welding CO1. Students will be able to select and operate tools and equipment to support welding and related activities.
CO2. Students will be able to perform welding processes (i.e. MMAW, MIG, TIG, SAW, LBM, EBM etc.) for various applications.
CO3. Students will be able to do repair maintenance of welding
CO4. Students will be able to select and perform welding on various materials
CO5. Students will be able to design and inspect the weld joint – before, after and during welding
CO6. Students will be able to select and operate tools and equipment to support welding and related activities.
RME- 085 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT CO1. Students will be able to understand the concept of quality and different manufacturing techniques.
CO2.Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of quality issues of all organizations, including public and service sectors.
CO3. Students will be able to set up the different techniques for controlling the variation of quality parameters.
CO4. Students will be able to demonstrate different methodologies along with relevant techniques proposed for product and process quality improvement.
CO5. Students will be able to understand the depth of the quality management philosophy.
CO6. Students will understand that the field of the quality keeps advancing and the scope of application of its philosophy expanding beyond the traditional manufacturing arena.
RME- 086 Gas Dynamics & Jet Propulsion CO1. Students will be able to understand the concept of compressible flow, mass momentum and energy equation for one dimensional flow.
CO2. Students will be able to understand the concept of isentropic flow through variable area ducts and Area-Mach number relations for isentropic flow.
CO3. Students will be able to understand the concept of Non-isentropic flow in constant area ducts and isentropic and shock tables.
CO4. Students will be able to understand the concept of jet propulsion, thrust equation, thrust power and propulsive efficiency.
CO5. Students will be able to study Types of rocket engines, propellants feeding systems, ignition and combustion.
Admission Enquiry