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HOD’s Message:
A warm and affectionate welcome from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering!
Established in 2001, the Computer Science and Engineering department is growing in all dimensions and is committed to enhancing the quality of technical education and making it relevant to current needs.
Computer Science and Engineering department provides all the basic areas of solid foundation in aspects of computing like OS, Networks, DB, AI, ML, Mining, etc.
The department empowers students holistically with technology and preparing them for industry, and not only has exciting placements and internships but also offers opportunities for students interested in research. Research in computer science applies the basics principles of mathematical engineering and logic to a plethora of functions including algorithm formulation, hardware and software development, artificial intelligence focusing on the development of testing, and innovation of software systems.
The department provides training and aid for students to work with data analysis and security, mathematical modeling, theory of computations, algorithms and so on, where they can be designed computational principles which form the crux of all software.
The department facilitates an ideal learning environment for students to acquire continuous knowledge and lifelong learning. It provides technical training to students for various software company certifications, namely Microsoft, Amazon (AWS), Infosys (InfyTQ), Google Professionals, IBM Professionals, Oracle etc. Besides that, we provide training to develop coding skills, and participate in competitions like ACM ICPC, Google Code Jam, Google Kick Start, Hack with Infy, TCS Codevita, Hackathon, etc.
Provides self-learning environment through the Industrial Readiness and Entrepreneurship Development Program in association with Institute of Industrial Development (IID), and offers Industrial Readiness Certificate Courses in technical, professional and industrial fields.
Thank you for visiting and supporting incredible tech happenings!
Head, Department of CSE