Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)


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List of Laboratory Courses:

S.No. Name of the Laboratories
1Data Structure Lab
2Operating System Lab
3Web Technology Lab
4Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
5Software Engineering Lab
6Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
7Computer Network Lab
8Cyber Security Lab
9Database Management System Lab
10Compiler Design Lab
11Object Oriented Programming (Java) Lab
12Web Designing Workshop
13Artificial Intelligence Lab
14Mini Project Lab
15Wireless Sensor Networks Lab
16Advanced Algorithm Lab
17Project and Research Lab
18Python Programming Lab
19AWS Lab
20ICC Training

Major Equipment of Laboratory:

S. No Name of the Laboratory Equipment of Laboratory
1 Data Structure Lab CPU: Lenovo Processor: INTEL I5
SSD: 256 GB
Keyboard: ZEBION
LAN: 1Gbps
2 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
3 Software Engineering Lab
4 Computer Organization and Architecture Lab CPU: Lenovo Processor: INTEL I7
RAM: 16 GB
SSD: 256 GB
LAN: 1Gbps
5 Computer Network Lab
6 Python Programming Lab
7 Cyber Security Lab
8 Web Technology Lab CPU: Lenovo Processor: INTEL I7
RAM: 16 GB
SSD: 256 GB
Keyboard: QUANTUM
LAN: 1Gbps
9 Web Designing Workshop
10 Object Oriented Programming (Java) Lab
11 AWS Lab
12 Database Management System Lab CPU: Lenovo Processor: INTEL I7
RAM: 16 GB
SSD: 256 GB
Keyboard: QUANTUM
LAN: 1Gbps
13 Operating System Lab
14 Compiler Design Lab
15 Project and Research Lab Compute Node:
5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, formerly Emerald Rapids
Vertical Segment Server Processor Number 6530, Lithography Intel 7
Total Cores 32, Total Threads 64, Max Turbo Frequency 4 GHz, Processor Base Frequency 2.1 GHz, Cache 160 MB, Intel® UPI Speed 20 GT/s

Master Node:
5th Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, Formerly Sapphire Rapids
Vertical Segment Server Processor Number 4510, Lithography Intel 7
Total Cores 12, Total Threads 24, Max Turbo Frequency 4.1 GHz, Processor Base Frequency 2.40 GHz, Cache 30 MB.

Intel® UPI Speed 16 GT/s
HP Z4 G4 Desktop Workstation with Intel Xeon W-2155 Processor, 512 GB SSD, 64 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P2000 GB Graphics, HP 21.5 Monitor, USB Keyboard & Mouse
LAN: 1Gbps
16 Artificial Intelligent Lab CPU: Lenovo Processor: INTEL I5
SSD: 256 GB
Keyboard: QUANTUM
LAN: 1Gbps
17 Wireless Sensor Networks Lab
18 Advanced Algorithm Lab
19 Mini Project Lab

List of Experiments -

Name of the Laboratory: Data Structure Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Program to create and display a Linear Array and insert a data item at any location in a Linear Array.
2Program to delete a data item from a Linear Array.
3Program to implement Stack Operation using an array.
4Program to implement Queue Using array.
5Program to implement Tower of Hanoi.
6Program to create a circular queue using an array.
7Program to implement linear and binary search in an Array.
8Program to implement bubble, selection, and insertion sort in a non-recursive way.
9Program to implement merge and heap sort in a non-recursive way.
10Program to create a simple binary tree and implement traversal techniques.
11Program to find the maximum depth/height of a tree.
12Program to find the number of nodes and leaves in the binary search tree.
13Program for creation of graph using adjacency matrix.
14Program to implement BFS and DFS algorithm.
15Program to implement the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm.
Name of the Laboratory: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Program for Insertion Sort & Selection Sort.
2Program for Shell Sort & Counting Sort.
3Program for Linear Search & Binary Search
4Program for Merge Sort.
5Program for Quick Sort.
6Program for Heap son.
7Program for minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's & Prim's algorithm.
8Program for Knapsack problem using Greedy & Dynamic approach.
9Program for N-Queen problem using backtracking.
10Program for KMP string matching.
11Program for Travelling salesman problem.
Name of the Laboratory:Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1To Study and verify the Truth Tables of various logic gates.
2Implementing HALF ADDER, FULL ADDER using basic logic gates.
3Implementing Binary -to -Gray, Gray -to -Binary code conversions.
4Implementing 4x1 MULTIPLEXERS.
5Implementing 8x1 MULTIPLEXER using 2X 1 MULTIPLEXER.
6Implementing 3-8-line DECODER.
7Verify the excitation tables of various FLIP-FLOPS.
8Design of an 8-bit Input/ Output system with four 8-bit Intemal Registers.
9Design of an s-bit ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT.
10Design the data path of a computer from its register transfer language description.
11Design and implement a BCD Adder.
12Implementing Incrementer circuit using half adder
13Implementing Incrementer circuit using full adder
14Design and Implementation of SISO and SIPO shift registers.
15Design and Implementation ofPISO and PIPO shift registers.
Name of the Laboratory:Web Technology Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Write an HTML program for designing your institute website. Display the department information of your institute on the website.
2Write an HTML program to design an entry form for student details/employee information/faculty details.
3Develop a Responsive website using CSS and HTML. The website may be for tutorials/blogs/commercial websites.
4Write programs using HTML and Java Script for validation of input data.
5Writing program in XML for creation of DTD, which specifies a set of rules. Create a stylesheet in CSS/XSL & display the document in Internet Explorer.
6Create a Java Bean for Employee Infonnation (EvgpJP, Name, Salary, Designation, and Department).
7Build a command line utility using Node.js that performs a specific task, such as converting text to uppercase, calculating the factorial of a number, or generating random passwords.
8Develop a script that uses MongoDB's aggregation framework to perform operations like grouping, filtering, and sorting. For instance, aggregate user data to find the average age of users in different cities.
9Assume for users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having the passwords pwdl, pwd2, pwd3 and pwd4 respectively. Write a Servlet for doing the following:
Create a cookie and add these four user IDs and passwords to this cookie.
Read the user ID and passwords entered in the Login form and authenticate with the values available in the cookies.
10Create a table that should contain at least the following fields: name, password, email-id, phone number Write Servlet/JSP to connect to the database and extract data from the tables and display them. Insert the details of the user who registers with the website, whenever a new user clicks the submit button in the registration page.
11Write a JSP that inserts the details of the 3 or 4 users who register with the website by usmg the registration form. Authenticate the user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from the database.
12Design and implement a simple shopping cart example with session tracking API.
13Create an HTML page named "table.html" to display your class timetable.
14Create an XML document of 5 students of third-year CSE. Add their roll number, marks obtained in 5 subjects, total marks, and percentage. Also, give the valid DTD for the following document.
15Write a JavaScript to prompt for the user's name and display it on the screen.
Name of the Laboratory:Web Designing Workshop
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Create an HTML page that demonstrates the use of various HTML elements (heading, paragraph, links) and attributes (class, id, href, src, alt).
2Create an HTML document giving details of your [Name, Age], [Address, Phone] and [Register Number, Class] aligned in the proper order using alignment attributes of the Paragraph tag.
3Design a page having a suitable background color and text color with the title "My First Web Page" using all the attributes of the Font tag.
4Design a webpage with different heading levels (hl -h6) and paragraphs. Style them differently using inline CSS.
5Write HTML code to design a page containing some text in a paragraph by giving a suitable heading style.
6Create a webpage that includes an Image with an alternate text, and set a favicon for the webpage.
7Implement a webpage with internal, external, and anchor links. Add a basic navigation bar using HTML links.
8Create a table that displays student marks using rows and columns. Add table headers, and use and attributes.
9Create a webpage containing an ordered list (OL), an unordered list (UL), and a nested list (a list inside another list).
10Build a form that includes input fields for text, password, email, and a submit button. Use appropriate form elements like radio buttons, checkboxes, and a dropdown menu.
11Add a video and audio element to a webpage. Use the controls attribute to provide play, pause, and volume options.
12Create a webpage and apply inline, intemal, and external CSS styles to various elements. Explain the difference between each type.
13Design a webpage with a background image and various colored text. Use both color names and hexadecimal color codes.
14Create a webpage that explains the difference between margin and padding by applying different values for both on a div element.
15Create a responsive webpage using Bootstrap's grid system. Design the page layout with columns that adjust based on the screen size (small, medium, large).
Name of the Laboratory:AWS Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Implement and customize all services under AWS S3.
2Implement and customize all services under AWS IAM related to security.
3Implement and customize all services under AWS EC2 related to the Server.
4Run AWS server and lunch instance under EC2.
5Implement and customize all services under AWS RDBMS.
6Connect AWS Database to EC2 server and record server data in the database.
7Implement and customize all services under AWS VPC services.
8Configure and connect a MySQL Database Instance with a Web Server.
9A company runs a public-facing three-tier web application in a VPC across multiple Availability Zones. Amazon EC2 instances for the application tier running in private subnets need to download software patches from the internet. However, the EC2 instances cannot be directly accessible from the internet. Which actions should be taken to allow the EC2 instances to download the needed patches?
10Implement and customize all services under AWS Rout53 services.
11Implement AWS CLI and SDK.
12Troubleshooting in different services of AWS.
13A company plans to run a monitoring application on an Amazon EC2 instance in a VPC. Connections are made to the EC2 instance using the instance's private IPv4 address. A solutions architect needs to design a solution that will allow traffic to be quickly directed to a standby EC2 instance if the application fails and becomes unreachable. Which approach will meet these requirements? Configure and implement also,
Name of the Laboratory: DBMS Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1To create a table called EmploYyee with the following structure EMP (name, id, salary) and answer the following queries:
  • Create a table EMP (name, id, dno,)
  • Add a column commission with domain to the EMP table
  • Insert any five records into the table
2Perfonning insertion, deletion, modification, altering, and updating operations on the records based on conditions.
3Perfonning the DDL operations on the table. Like create, alter, drop, rename.
4Write the queries using the UPDATE-SET-WHERE clause, group them by, and order by on the table.
5To implement the constraint on the table, it should include referential integrity constraints, not null, etc.
6To implement the concept of Joins, Union, and intersect by using MySQL.
7Write the queries using the AGGREGATION function- Count, Sum, Avg, Max, Min
8To implement the concept of Sub-Queries. Example- Sailors (Sid, rating, age), Boats (bid, color), Reserve (Sid, bid, day(date)). Find the names of the sailors who have reserved both a red or a yellow boat.
9To implement the concept of Indexes and views.
10rite a PL SQL program to find the total and average of 4 subjects and display the grade.
11Creation of insert trigger, delete trigger, update trigger using the emp database
12Create the procedure for the palindrome of a given number.
13Write a PL/SQL block that will display the name, and salary of the first highest-paid employees.
14To write a Cursor to find an employee with a given job and dept no.
15Design and implementation of payroll processing system.
Name of the Laboratory: AI Lab
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Study of PROLOG Programming Language and its function.
2Write a Simple fact for the Statement using PROLOG.
3Write a program in PROLOG to Solve a Simple Arithmetic problem (+, -, * ,/ )
4WAP in PROLOG for medical diagnosis and shows the advantages and disadvantages of green and red cuts.
5WAP to show integer variables is used in PROLOG.
6Program to count several elements in Lists in PROLOG.
7Program to append & Delete an Element in List in PROLOG.
8Program to demonstrate Family Relationships in PROLOG.
9WAP to implement factorial of a given number in PROLOG.
10WAP to find Fibonacci of a given number in PROLOG.
11WAP to implement Breadth First Search using PROLOG.
12WAP to implement Depth First Search using PROLOG.
13WAP to implement Best First Search using PROLOG.
14WAP to categorize animal characteristics.
15WAP to solve the Water Jug Problem using PROLOG.
Name of the Laboratory: Python Programming
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Write a Python program to demonstrate the working of the following: -
Fundamental Data types in Python Programming.
id (), type (), and range
Type conversion functions
2Write a Python program to demonstrate the working of the following:
Arithmetic Operators and Relational Operators
Assignment Operator and Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators and Ternary Operator
Membership Operators and Identity Operators
3Write a program to create, concatenate, multiply, and print a string and access a sub-string from a given string.
4Write a Python program to demonstrate various ways of accessing the string.
By using Indexing (Both Positive and Negative)
By using Slice Operator
5Write Python programs based on the concepts of:
Conditional if statements
Nested if statements
Using else if and
6Write Python programs based on the concepts of:
For loop
While loop
Nested loops
7Write Python programs based on the concepts of:
8Write Python programs based on the concepts of the following methods that operate on strings with suitable examples:
len(), count (), replace (), split ()
strip (), join (), isupper (), islower()
rstrip(), swapcase(), title ()
lstrip(), capitalize (), startswith(), endswith()
find(), rfind(), index (), rindex()
9Write Python programs based on the concepts of the following methods that operate on List with suitable examples:
List() len(), count (), index ()
Append (), insert (), extend (), remove ()
pop() reverse() sort(), copy(), clear ()
10Write Python programs based on the concepts of the following that operate on a List with suitable examples:
List slicing
List Comprehensions
11Write Python programs based on the concepts of the following that operate on a Tuple with suitable examples:
len(), count (), index (), sorted ()
min() max(), cmp(), reversed ()
12Write Python programs based on the concepts of the following that operate on a Dictionary with suitable examples:
dict(), len(), clear(), get ()
pop(), pepitem(), keys (), values ( )
Items (), copy (), update ()
13Write a program in Python to handle Try-Except-Final exception blocks.
14Write Python programs based on the concepts of:
Anonymous functions
15Write a Python program to demonstrate Local and Global variables.
16Write a Python program to define a module and import a specific function from that module to another program.
17Write Python programs to handle files based on the concepts of:
readine() and readlines()
write () and write lines ()
seek () and tell
18Write a Python program that reads a file, breaks each line into words, strips whitespace, and punctuation from the words, and converts them to lowercase.
19Write a Python program to import the library and build a GUI calculator using various widgets.
20Write a Python program to import the NumPy library and perform operations on series, and yd-arrays.
21Write a Python program to import the Pandas library and perform operations on CSV files, and data frames.
22Write a Python program to import the Matplotlib library and perform operations showing static and interactive visualizations.
Name of the Laboratory: Advanced Python Training
EX.No. List of Experiments
1Programs based on the concepts of:
Conditional if statements
Nested if statements
Using else if and
2Programs based on the concepts of:
Anonymous functions
3Programs based on the concepts of Class and Object Creation.
4Programs based on the concepts of Constructor and Destructor.
5Programs based on the concepts of Inheritance Single Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
6Programs based on the concepts of Polymorphism
Method Overiding (Polymorphism via Inheritance)
Operator Overloading (Polymorphism via Special Methods)
7Programs based on the concepts of Exception Handling.
8Programs based on the concepts of File Handling.
9Programs based on the concepts of Database Connectivity.
10Programs based on the concepts of GUI
Name of the Laboratory: ICC Programming
Ex. No List of Experiments


(i) Find which class a variable or a value belongs to number1 = 5, number2 = 2.0 and number 3 = 1+2j in Python.

(ii) Write a program to illustrate if, else if, nested if and if-elif-else ladder statement in Python.

(iii) Write a program to illustrate while and for loop statement in Python.

(iv) Write a program to illustrate break, continue, pass and return statement in Python.


(i) Write a function to check if a given number is prime or not to print all Prime Numbers in an Interval.

(ii) Write a program to print the Fibonacci series up to n-terms using recursive function in Python.

(iii) Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Number


Check how many numbers of flights available in the Airport currently in Python?


(i) Problem Statement:

As elements are stored sequentially in a list, we can use a loop to access the elements. Write a code and observe the different ways of accessing the elements in a list sequentially.


Sample Input:



Sample Output:

Iterating the list using range()




Iterating the list using keyword in





(ii) Problem Statement:

If we just want to find out whether an element is there in a list, we need not iterate through the list. Instead we can check using syntax. Try out the code and observe the results.


Sample Input:



Sample Output1:

Airline found


Sample Output2:

Airline not found



(iii) Problem Statement:

Assume that the name of the airlines operating from an airport are stored in a list as shown below. Suppose we need to extract the airlines from the 1st to the 3rd index positions in the list. How can we do that?

List of airlines












 Negative Index







(iv) Try out the below code and observe the result:

Also, assign the following to new_list and observe the results.












Problem Statement:

Given a list of integer values. Write a python program to check whether it contains same number in adjacent position. Display the count of such adjacent occurrences


Sample Input

 Expected Output








(i) Find the second largest number from the list with help of map(), split(), max(), range(), remove(), sort() and reverse().


(ii) marks_list = [78,90,90,95,83,95]. Try the following output from the list.

Index position of mark 90: 1

After adding new marks: [78, 90, 90, 95, 83, 95, 54]

After inserting 98 at the 2nd index position: [78, 90, 98, 90, 95, 83, 95, 54]

After removing the marks at the 1st index position: [78, 98, 90, 95, 83, 95, 54]

After removing the first occurrence of 95 from the list: [78, 98, 90, 83, 95, 54]

After sorting the marks in the given list: [54, 78, 83, 90, 95, 98]

After reversing the marks in the given list: [98, 95, 90, 83, 78, 54]



lunch_menu=("Welcome Drink","Veg Starter","Non-Veg Starter","Veg Main Course","Non-Veg Main Course","Dessert")




Find the following from the lunch_menu:

Number of elements in the lunch_menu

Element at 2nd index position in lunch_menu:

Iterating the tuple using range()

Iterating the tuple using keyword

Search an element "Dessert" in lunch_menu then display "Dessert is there"

Slice the tuple as [1:5] and [-5:-1]

Concatenating tuples: sample_tuple and sample_tuple1


Using sample_tuple to find the following:

('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')

('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')

('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G')


(ii) Which among the following statements may result in an error?







PAN card number="AABGT6715H"

Find the following in Python:

(i) Length of the string PAN card number

(ii) Print the PAN card name from First name and Last name

(iii) Iterating the string using range()

(iv) Iterating the string using keyword in

(v) Searching for a character in string

(vi) Check the character is not present in the string

(vii) Print the numbers in the PAN card number

(viii) and Last print one 3 characters in the PAN card


How to create and access the element in dictionary?


How to create and access the element in set?


Create a dictionary to find the value of a key by query through input function?


Generates a random number between x and y-1 (both inclusive) using the randrange function of the random module.


Apply the following function into various scenario:

math.ceil(x), math.floor(x), math.factorial(x) and math.fabs(x)


Problem Statement:

We have ‘N’ flavors of toppings that can be added to a coffee. For example chocolate, hazelnut, vanilla, Irish and so on.

Write a function that takes the number of available flavors as input and returns the total number of different ways we can have our coffee. Note that we can have coffee without any toppings or with different combination of toppings.


Try out the following function:

time.gmtime(), time.localtime(), time.strftime(t,format), datetime.datetime.strptime, (date_string, format) and

Value Added Experiments:

Name of the Laboratory: Data Structure Lab
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Sort a given set of n integer elements using the Quick Sort method and compute its time complexity. Run the program for varied values of n> 5000 and record the time taken to sort. Plot a graph of the time taken versus the non-graph sheet. The elements can be read from a file or can be generated using the random number generator. Demonstrate using Java how the divide and- conquer method works along with its time complexity analysis: worst case, average case, and best case
2Design and implement to find a subset of a given set S= {S1, S2…. Sn} of n positive integers whose SUM is equal to a given positive integer d for example, if S= {1,2,3,6,8} and d=9, there are two solutions {1,2,6} and {1,8}. Display a suitable message, if the given problem instance does not have a solution
3From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm & Floyd’s algorithm.
Name of the Laboratory: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Program to implement sparse matrix
2Program to implement infix to postfix conversion using stack
3Program to implement quick and radix sort
4Program to exchange left and right sub tree
5Program to create MST using Kruskal’s algorithm
Name of the Laboratory: Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Assembling of parts of a computer: Motherboard, Processor, RAM, Hard Disk, SMPS, and I/O devices.
2Acquainted with the parts of computers: Motherboard, Processor, RAM, Hard Disk, SMPS and I/O devices.
3Implementing half subtractor using basic logic gates.
4Implementing full subtractor using basic logic gates.
5Implement a simple instruction set computer with a control unit and a data path.
Name of the Laboratory: Web Technology Lab
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Write HTML code to display your CV in the navigator.
2Design a web page using CSS which includes the following:
i. Use different font and text styles
ii. Set a background image for both the page and a single element on the page.
iii. Define styles for links
3Write a program using JavaScript for a Web Page to display browser information.
4Write a JSP/servlet program to implement the single text field calculator.
Name of the Laboratory: Web Designing Workshop
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Style an unordered list and a table using CSS. Add borders, background color, and spacing between cells.
2Implement a webpage that changes its layout based on different screen widths (mobile, tablet, desktop) using media queries.
3Style different text elements (heading, paragraph) using different font families, sizes, weights, and text alignments. Use Google Fonts for at least one font.
4Create a form and use JavaScript to validate the input fields (e.g., check for empty fields, valid email format, and password length).
5Write a JavaScript function that triggers an event when a button is clicked. Use a loop to iterate over an array and display each value in an HTML element (e.g., a list).
Name of the Laboratory: DBMS Lab
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Mini Project (Application Development using (Oracle/MySQL).
e.g., E-learning Support System which has different modules like Admin, professor, student, and mentor.
The first step is to register to access this website. In this system, we are providing discussion forums between students and professors.
A database is to be designed for a college to monitor students' progress throughout their course of study.
The students are reading for a degree (such as BA, BA(Hons), MSc, etc.) within the framework of the modular system.
The college provides several modules, each being characterized by its code, title, credit value, module leader, teaching staff, and the department they come from.
A module is coordinated by a module leader who shares teaching duties with one or more lecturers.

Analyze the data required
Normalize the attributes
Create the logical data model using E-R diagram
A General Hospital consists of several specialized wards (such as Maternity, Podiatry, Oncology, etc.).
Each ward hosts several patients, who were admitted on the recommendation of their own GP and confirmed by a consultant employed by the Hospital.
On admission, the personal details of every patient are recorded.
A separate register is to be held to store the information on the tests undertaken and the results of a prescribed treatment.
Several tests may be conducted for each patient.
Each patient is assigned to one leading consultant but may be examined by another doctor if required.
Doctors are specialists in some branch of medicine and may be leading consultants for many patients, not necessarily from the same ward.

Analyze the data required
Normalize the attributes
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams
Name of the Laboratory: AI Lab
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1WAP to implement 8-Puzzle Problem using Breadth First Search.
2WAP to solve the 4-Queen Problem using PROLOG.
3WAP to solve the Monkey Banana Problem using PROLOG.
4WAP to solve travelling Salesman Problem using PROLOG.
5WAP to solve traversal problems using Means-End Analysis.
Name of the Laboratory: Python Programming
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1To develop a system to manage Employee
2To develop a system to Bank Account
3To develop a system to manage student report card
4Implement the concept of Classes and Objects using a real-world example.
5Implement Selection Sort, and Merge sort algorithm.
Name of the Laboratory: ICC Training
EX.No. List of Value Added Experiments
1Choose an expression from the options given which would give the same logical outcome for the expression below.
(var1+var2)>(var3/var4) and var5<=(var1-var3*var2)

(a) not((var3>=var4) and (var3==var4))
(b) not((var4>=var2) or (var1==var3))
(c) (var4>=var2) and (var1>=var2))
(d) (var3==var4) and (var1>var2))
2What will be the output of the below Python code?
Def func(sample, res, key, val):
  if(key in sample):
    res= True
sample={“X5”:1, “X”:0, “XL”:3, “XXL”:4}
func(sample, res, “X”, 2)
print(sample[“X”], res)
3What will be the output of the below Python code?
while v1<=10 and v2>=1:
  print(v1, v2)
  if(v1==v2) :
4What will be the output of the below Python code?
t="Hello? how are you?"
  for v1 in range(len(t)):
    if(t[v1]=='?') :

  fv.replace('you', 'u')
5The Ticket Numbers are 1001, 1002, 1003, …..
Print the Ticket Numbers for all Passengers for the following format using while loop:
"T – 1001"
"T – 1002"
"T – 1003"
Admission Enquiry