Greater Noida Institute of Technology (Engineering Institute)

(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to AKTU, Lucknow)

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Laboratories :

AIoT Innovations Lab

The ECE Department has established an AIoT Innovation Lab in collaboration with STMicroelectronics, focusing on Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT).

The lab features:

  • AI-enabled microcontrollers
  • IoT sensors
  • Edge computing devices for real-time data processing and predictive analytics
  • Bluetooth connectivity for industrial and smart applications

Equipped with STMicroelectronics Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIOT) Lab Bundle - 25 SEATS.

The lab also offers training, workshops, and industry-driven projects, preparing students for cutting-edge AIoT innovations through hands-on experience.

Simulation Lab

The Simulation Lab supports advanced laboratories like Signal and System Lab, Digital Signal Processing, Control System Lab, VLSI Design Lab, and FPGA Design Lab. It features industry-standard software such as MATLAB and FPGA Development Board for designing, simulating, and analyzing circuits and systems.

Analog and Digital Communication Lab

This lab is fully equipped to perform experiments such as AM, FM (Analog), ASK, FSK (Digital). It provides students with hands-on experience in communication engineering using the latest instruments in the field.

Electronics Circuits Lab

The Electronic Circuits Lab includes sub-labs like the Electronics Devices Lab, Analog Circuits Lab, Integrated Circuit Lab, and Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab. It is equipped with oscilloscopes, function generators, and digital multimeters, allowing students to design and test electronic circuits.

Research and Project Lab

This lab fosters innovation and hands-on learning in advanced electronics and communication engineering. It features tools such as STMicroelectronics AIoT, MSP430 Development Tools, MATLAB toolboxes, DSP Processor TMS320C6745PL, and FPGA Development Board on Artix-7 for AI-driven applications and embedded systems.

Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab

Designed for microprocessor and microcontroller programming and interfacing, this lab includes 8085 and 8086 microprocessor kits, ADC and DAC interface modules, and 8051 microcontroller kits. A Virtual Lab is also available for simulation-based learning.

Digital Electronics Lab

The Digital Electronics Lab is equipped with instruments for experiments such as Verification of Gates, Half Adder, Full Adder, and more. The lab is regularly updated to keep pace with industrial advancements.

Major Equipment of Laboratory:

Sr. No. Name of the Laboratory Name of the Important Equipment
1 Electronic Circuits Lab
a. Electronics Devices Lab (BEC351)
b. Analog Circuits Lab (BEC451)
c. Integrated Circuit Lab (BEC551)
d. Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab (BEC353)
a1. Semiconductor PN junction Diode Characteristics
a2. Rectifier and regulator Trainer
a3. Characteristics of Diode & Zener diode
a4. Characteristics of Photo diode
a5. Solar Energy Trainer
a6. Zener Diode voltage regulator characteristics
a7. BJT in CE configuration
a8. FET Characteristics
a9. MOSFET Amplifier
1b. Transistor Characteristics
2b. BJT in CE configuration
3b. 2 stage RC coupled amplifier
4b. Operational Amplifier Characteristics
5b. Operational Amplifier applications
6b. FET common source amplifier
7b. Wien bridge oscillator
8b. Phase shift, Wien bridge Hartley, Colpitt
9b. ADC and DAC
c1. Operational Amplifier Characteristics
c2. Log and antilog amplifiers
c3. V/I and I/V converter
c4. Second order filters
c5. Schmitt Trigger and zero crossing detector
c6. Timer Circuit using 555 IC
c7. voltage-controlled oscillator
c8. Virtual Lab
d1. Resonance Kit
d2. Single Phase RLC Circuit
d3. Low pass, high pass filters, Pass band filter & Stop band
2 Digital Electronics Lab
a. Digital System Design (BEC352)
b. Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab (BEC552)
a1. Digital Training Kit
a2. IC 7400, IC 7408, IC 7486, IC 7432
a3. IC 7411 (2), IC 7432, IC 7404
a4. IC 7474, IC 7432
a5. IC 7400, IC 7402
a6. Four bit binary adder and Subtractor
a7. 4-Bit Synchronous and Asynchronous counter
b1. 8085 Kit
b2. 8086 Kit
b3. Interface 8253 programmable
b4. 8251 transmission and reception kit
b5. ADC and DAC interface
b6. Serial 8085 through RS-232 C port
b7. 8051 Micro Controller kit
b8. Virtual Lab
3 Communication Engineering Lab
a. Communication Engineering Lab (BEC451)
b. Digital Communication Lab (BEC651)
c. Antenna and Wave Propagation Lab (BEC653) (Newly Setup)
a1. DSB/ SSB Amplitude Modulation
a2. Amplitude Demodulation
a3. Frequency Modulation
a4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation- Demodulation
a5. Pulse Width Modulation
a6. Pulse Code Modulation
a7. Delta Modulation and Demodulation
a8. Amplitude Shift Keying Modulator- Demodulator
a9. Frequency Shift Keying Modulator- Demodulator
a10. Phase Shift Keying Modulator- Demodulator
a11. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulator- Demodulator
b1. BFSK Modulation and Demodulation
b2. Delta Modulation and Demodulation
b3. DSSS Modulation- Demodulation
b4. FHSS Modulation- Demodulation
b5. Computer Lab
b7. Virtual Lab
4 Simulation Lab
a. Signal System Lab (BEC453)
b. Digital Signal Processing (BEC553)
c. Control System Lab (BEC652)
d. VLSI Design Lab (KEC751B)
e. VLSI Circuit Design Lab (MTVL151)
f. FPGA Design Lab (MTVL152)
g. Advanced VLSI Design Lab (MTVL251)
1. Computer Lab
2. MATLAB software
3. Sci-Lab
4. FPGA Development Board on Artix7
5. Xilinx Vivado HLx 2017.4
6. ISE design suit version 14.7
7. DSP-TMS320C6745PL
8. Virtual Lab
5 Research and Project Lab 1. STMicroelectronics Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIOT)
2. MSP430 Development Tools
3. MATLAB Software with various Toolbox like Communication Box, DSP Tool box, etc.
4. DSP Processor TMS320C6745PL
5. FPGA Development Board on Artix7

Electronic Devices Lab - KEC351

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Study of Lab Equipment and Components: CRO, multimeter, and function generator, power supply- active, passive components and bread board.
  2. P-N Junction diode: Characteristics of PN junction diode - static and dynamic resistance measurement from graph.
  3. Applications of PN Junction diode: Half & Full wave rectifier- Measurement of Vrms, Vdc, and ripple factor.
  4. Characteristics of Zener diode: V-I characteristics of Zener diode, graphical measurement of forward and reverse resistance.
  5. Characteristics of Photo diode: V-I characteristics of photo diode, graphical measurement of forward and reverse resistance.
  6. Characteristics of Solar cell: V-I characteristics of solar cell, graphical measurement of forward and reverse resistance.
  7. Application of Zener diode: Zener diode as voltage regulator. Measurement of percentage regulation by varying load resistor.
  8. Characteristic of BJT: BJT in CE configuration- graphical measurement of h-parameters from input and output characteristics. Measurement of Av, AI, Ro and Ri of CE amplifier with potential divider biasing.
  9. Field Effect Transistors: Single stage common source FET amplifier – plot of gain in dB Vs frequency, measurement of bandwidth, input impedance, maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier.
  10. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors: Single stage MOSFET amplifier – plot of gain in dB Vs frequency, measurement of bandwidth, input impedance, maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier.
  11. Simulation of amplifier circuits studied in the lab using any available simulation software and measurement of bandwidth and other parameters with the help of simulation software.

Digital System Design Lab - KEC352

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Introduction to digital electronics lab- nomenclature of digital ICs, specifications, study of the data sheet, Concept of Vcc and ground, verification of the truth tables of logic gates using TTL ICs.
  2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms.
  3. Verification of state tables of RS, JK, T and D flip-flops using NAND & NOR gates.
  4. Implementation and verification of Decoder using logic gates.
  5. Implementation and verification of Encoder using logic gates.
  6. Implementation of 4:1 multiplexer using logic gates.
  7. Implementation of 1:4 demultiplexer using logic gates.
  8. Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using 7483 IC.
  9. Design, and verify the 4-bit synchronous counter.
  10. Design, and verify the 4-bit asynchronous counter.
  11. Implementation of Mini Project using digital integrated circuits and other components.

Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab - KEC353

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws.
  2. Verification of Superposition theorem.
  3. Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem.
  4. Verification of Tallegen's theorem.
  5. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase AC series inductive circuit and study improvement of power factor using capacitor.
  6. Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit and obtain resonant frequency.
  7. Determination of parameters of AC single phase series RLC circuit.
  8. To find poles and zeros of immittance function.
  9. Design and find cut-off frequency of low pass and high pass filters.
  10. Design and find the pass band frequencies of band pass filters.
  11. Design and find the stop band frequencies of band reject filters.

Communication Engineering Lab - KEC451

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. To study DSB/ SSB amplitude modulation & determine its modulation factor & power in side bands.
  2. To study amplitude demodulation by linear diode detector.
  3. To study frequency modulation and determine its modulation factor.
  4. To study sampling and reconstruction of pulse amplitude modulation system.
  5. To study pulse amplitude modulation.
    • Using switching method
    • By sample and hold circuit
  6. To demodulate the obtained PAM signal by 2nd order LPF.
  7. To study pulse width modulation and pulse position modulation.
  8. To study pulse code modulation and demodulation technique.
  9. To study delta modulation and demodulation technique.
  10. To construct a square wave with the help of fundamental frequency and its harmonic component.
  11. Study of amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator.
  12. Study of frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator.
  13. Study of phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
  14. Study of single bit error detection and correction using hamming code.
  15. Study of quadrature phase shift keying modulator and demodulator.
  16. To simulate differential phase shift keying technique using MATLAB software.
  17. To simulate M-ary Phase shift keying technique using MATLAB software (8PSK, 16PSK) and perform BER calculations.
  18. Design a front end BPSK modulator and demodulator.

Analog Circuit Lab - KEC452

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Characteristic of BJT: Study of BJT in various configurations (such as CE/CS, CB/CG, CC/CD).
  2. BJT in CE configuration: Graphical measurement of h-parameters from input and output characteristics, measurement of Av, AI, Ro and Ri of CE amplifier with potential divider biasing.
  3. Study of Multi-stage amplifiers: Frequency response of single stage and multistage amplifiers.
  4. Feedback topologies: Study of voltage series, current series, voltage shunt, current shunt, effect of feedback on gain, bandwidth etc.
  5. Measurement of Op-Amp parameters: Common mode gain, differential mode gain, CMRR, slew rate.
  6. Applications of Op-Amp: Op-Amp as summing amplifier, difference amplifier, integrator and differentiator.
  7. Field effect transistors: Single stage common source FET amplifier – plot of gain in dB vs frequency, measurement of bandwidth, input impedance, maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier.
  8. Oscillators: Study of sinusoidal oscillators- RC oscillators (phase shift, Wien bridge etc.).
  9. Study of LC oscillators (Hartley, Colpitt, Clapp etc.).
  10. Study of non-sinusoidal oscillators.
  11. Simulation of amplifier circuits studied in the lab using any available simulation software and measurement of bandwidth and other parameters with the help of simulation software.
  12. ADC/DAC: Design and study of Analog to Digital Converter.
  13. Design and study of Digital to Analog Converter.

Signal System Lab - KEC453

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Introduction to MATLAB
    • To define and use variables and functions in MATLAB.
    • To define and use Vectors and Matrices in MATLAB.
    • To study various MATLAB arithmetic operators and mathematical functions.
    • To create and use m-files.
  2. Basic plotting of signals
    • To study various MATLAB commands for creating two and three dimensional plots.
    • Write a MATLAB program to plot the following continuous time and discrete time signals:
      • Step Function
      • Impulse Function
      • Exponential Function
      • Ramp Function
      • Sine Function
  3. Time and Amplitude transformations - Write a MATLAB program to perform amplitude-scaling, time-scaling and time shifting on a given signal.
  4. Convolution of given signals - Write a MATLAB program to obtain linear convolution of the given sequences.
  5. Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation
    • Write a MATLAB program to compute autocorrelation of a sequence x(n) and verify the property.
    • Write a MATLAB program to compute cross-correlation of sequences x(n) and y(n) and verify the property.
  6. Fourier Series and Gibbs Phenomenon
    • To calculate Fourier series coefficients associated with Square Wave.
    • To Sum the first 10 terms and plot the Fourier series as a function of time.
    • To Sum the first 50 terms and plot Fourier series as a function of time.
  7. Calculating transforms using MATLAB
    • Calculate and plot Fourier transform of a given signal.
    • Calculate and plot Z-transform of a given signal.
  8. Impulse response and Step response of a given system
    • Write a MATLAB program to find the impulse response and step response of a system from its difference equation.
    • Compute and plot the response of a given system to a given input.
  9. Pole-zero diagram and bode diagram
    • Write a MATLAB program to find pole-zero diagram, bode diagram of a given system from the given system function.
    • Write a MATLAB program to find bode diagram of a given system from the given system function.
  10. Frequency response of a system - Write a MATLAB program to plot magnitude and phase response of a given system.
  11. Checking linearity/non-linearity of a system using SIMULINK
    • Build a system that amplifies a sine wave by a factor of two.
    • Test the linearity of this system using SIMULINK.

Integrated Circuits Lab - KEC551

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Design the following using Op-Amp: (Through Virtual Lab Link 1)
    • A unity gain amplifier.
    • An inverting amplifier with a gain of “A”.
    • A non-inverting amplifier with a gain of “A”.
  2. Study and design Log and antilog amplifiers.
  3. Voltage to current and current to voltage converters.
  4. Second order filters using the operational amplifier for: (Through Virtual Lab Link 1)
    • Low pass filter of cutoff frequency 1 KHz.
    • High pass filter of frequency 12 KHz.
  5. Realization of Band pass filter with unit gain of pass band from 1 KHz to 12 KHz.
  6. Study and design voltage comparator and zero crossing detectors.
  7. Function generator using operational amplifier (sine, triangular & square wave).
  8. Design and construct astable multivibrator using IC 555 and
    • Plot the output waveform
    • Measure the frequency of oscillation (Through Virtual Lab Link 2)
  9. Design and construct a monostable multivibrator using IC 555 and
    • Plot the output waveform
    • Measure the time delay (Through Virtual Lab Link 2)
  10. Implement Schmitt Trigger Circuit using IC 555. (Through Virtual Lab Link 2)
  11. Implement a voltage-controlled oscillator using IC566 and plot the waveform. (Through Virtual Lab Link 2)
  12. Study and design ramp generator using IC 566.

Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab - KEC552

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for Decimal and hexadecimal addition and subtraction of two Numbers. (Through Virtual Lab Link)
  2. Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for the addition and subtraction of two BCD numbers. (Through Virtual Lab Link)
  3. To perform multiplication and division of two 8-bit numbers using 8085. (Through Virtual Lab Link)
  4. To find the largest and smallest number in an array of data using 8085 instruction set.
  5. To write a program using 8086 to arrange an array of data in ascending and descending order. (Through Virtual Lab Link)
  6. To convert a given Hexadecimal number into its equivalent ASCII number and vice versa using the 8086 instruction set.
  7. To convert a given Hexadecimal number into its equivalent BCD number and vice versa using the 8086 instruction set.
  8. To interface 8253 programmable interval timer and verify the operation of 8253 in six different modes.
  9. To write a program to initiate 8251 and to check the transmission and reception of a character.
  10. Serial communication between two 8085 through RS-232 C port.
  11. Write a program of Flashing LED connected to port 1 of the 8051 Microcontroller.
  12. Write a program to generate a 10 kHz square wave using 8051.
  13. Write a program to show the use of INT0 and INT1 of 8051.
  14. Write a program for temperature measurement & display on an intelligent LCD display.

Digital Signal Processing Lab - KEC553

Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Introduction to MATLAB and/or Open-Source Software, Scilab (Using Spoken Tutorial MOOCs).
  2. Write a Program for the generation of basic signals such as unit impulse, unit step, ramp, exponential, sinusoidal, and cosine.
  3. Implement IIR Butterworth analog Low Pass filter for a 4 KHz cut-off frequency.
  4. Verify Blackman and Hamming windowing techniques.
  5. Evaluate 4-point DFT and IDFT of \( x(n) = 1, 0 \leq n \leq 3; 0 \) elsewhere.
  6. Verify the Linear convolution of two sequences using FFT.
  7. Verify Circular Convolution of two sequences using FFT.
  8. To verify FFT as a sample interpolator.
  9. To implement Tone Generation.
  10. To implement floating point arithmetic.
  11. To study DSP Processors and the architecture of the TMS320C6713 DSP processor.
  12. VIRTUAL Lab by NME-ICT available at: (Through Virtual Lab)
    1. Study of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its inverse.
    2. Study of FIR filter design using the window method: Lowpass and Highpass filter.
    3. Study of FIR filter design using the window method: Bandpass and Bandstop filter.
    4. Study of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter.


Suggestive List of Experiments

Part A

  1. To study Eye diagram patterns of various digital pulses.
  2. To study the inter symbol interference.
  3. To study the generation of Unipolar RZ & NRZ Line Coding.
  4. To study the generation of Polar RZ & NRZ Line Coding.
  5. To study the generation of Bipolar RZ & NRZ Line Coding.
  6. Implementation and analysis of BASK modulation and demodulation.
  7. Implementation and analysis of BFSK modulation and demodulation.
  8. Implementation and analysis of BPSK modulation and demodulation. (Through Virtual Lab)
  9. Implementation and analysis of QPSK modulation and demodulation. (Through Virtual Lab)
  10. To simulate M-ary Phase Shift Keying technique using MATLAB.
  11. To study the generation and detection of DPSK using MATLAB.
  12. Implementation and analysis of Delta modulation and demodulation.
  13. Implementation and analysis of DSSS Modulation, Demodulation & BER measurement.
  14. Implementation and analysis of FHSS Modulation, Demodulation & BER measurement.
  15. To study encoding and decoding of Linear Block Codes.
  16. To study the working of Convolution encoder.

Part B

  1. To study simple dipole λ/2 antenna and calculate beam-width, front/back ratio, and gain of the antenna.
  2. To study folded dipole antenna and calculate beam-width, front/back ratio, and gain of the antenna.
  3. To study λ/2 phase array end-fire antenna and calculate beam-width, front/back ratio, and gain of the antenna.
  4. To study broadside array antenna and calculate beam-width, front/back ratio, and gain of the antenna.


Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Introduction to MATLAB Control System Toolbox.
  2. Determine transpose, inverse values of a given matrix.
  3. Plot the pole-zero configuration in the s-plane for the given transfer function.
  4. Determine the transfer function for a given closed-loop system in block diagram representation.
  5. Create the state-space model of a linear continuous system.
  6. Determine the State-Space representations of the given transfer function.
  7. Determine the time response of the given system subjected to any arbitrary input.
  8. Plot the unit step response of the given transfer function and find:
    • Delay time
    • Rise time
    • Peak time
    • Peak overshoot
    • Settling time
  9. Determine the steady-state errors of a given transfer function.
  10. Plot the root locus of the given transfer function and locate closed-loop poles for different values of K.
  11. Plot the Bode plot of the given transfer function and determine:
    • Gain margin
    • Phase margin
  12. Plot the Nyquist plot for the given transfer function and determine the relative stability by measuring:
    • Gain margin
    • Phase margin


Suggestive List of Experiments

Part A: Based on 8051 Microcontroller

  1. Write a program for flashing LED connected to port 1 of the 8051 Microcontroller.
  2. Write a program to generate a 10 kHz square wave using 8051.
  3. Write a program to show the use of INT0 and INT1 of 8051.

Part B: Based on MSP430

  1. Write a program for temperature measurement & display on an intelligent LCD display.
  2. Write a program to generate a Ramp waveform using DAC with a microcontroller.
  3. Write a program to interface GPIO port in C using MSP430 (blinking LEDs, push buttons).
  4. Write a program to interface a potentiometer with GPIO.
  5. Write a program for PWM-based Speed Control of a Motor using a potentiometer connected to GPIO.
  6. Write a program for PWM generation using Timer on MSP430 GPIO.
  7. Write a program to interface an accelerometer.
  8. Write a program using USB (sending data back and forth across a bulk transfer-mode USB connection).
  9. Write a program for Master-Slave Communication between two MSP430s using SPI.
  10. Write a program for a basic Wi-Fi application - Communication between two MSP430-based sensor nodes.
  11. Setting up the CC3100 as an HTTP server.
  12. Review of User APIs for TI CC3100 & Initialization and Setting of IP addresses.

Part C: Based on ARM Processor

  1. Develop and verify the interfacing of ADC and DAC with LPC2148 ARM Microcontroller.
  2. Interfacing of LED and PWM with the microcontroller (ARM) using an embedded C program.
  3. Interfacing of the serial port with an ARM processor using an embedded C program.
  4. Interfacing of a keyboard and LCD with the ARM processor using an embedded C program.
  5. Develop and verify an Embedded C program for a mailbox using ARM.
  6. Implement the ZigBee protocol with an ARM program.
  7. Implement lighting and blinking LEDs of the ARM I/O port via programming.
  8. ARM programming in C language using KEIL IDE.
  9. Demonstrate the TIMING concept of a real-time application using RTOS on an ARM microcontroller kit.
  10. Demonstrate the Multi-Tasking concept of a real-time application using RTOS on an ARM microcontroller.
  11. Demonstrate the RS232 serial communication using RTOS on an ARM microcontroller kit.
  12. ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) programming in an ARM-based system with an I/O port.


Suggestive List of Experiments

  1. Design and analysis of basic logic gates:
    • AND
    • OR
    • NOT
    • NAND
    • NOR
    • XOR
    • XNOR
  2. Design and implementation of Half Adder and Full Adder using CMOS logic.
  3. To simulate the schematic of the Common Drain Amplifier.
  4. To simulate the schematic of the Differential Amplifier.
  5. To simulate the schematic of the Operational Amplifier.
  6. Design of a 3-to-8 Decoder using MOS technology.
  7. Design of a 4-to-1 Multiplexer.
  8. Design and implementation of a Flip-Flop circuit.
  9. Layout design of PMOS and NMOS transistors.
  10. Layout design of a CMOS Inverter and its analysis.
Admission Enquiry